Hey y'all.

The admin staff here at the Lounge would like to make this forum as fun and bug free for you as possible, but we can't do that if you're talking to the wrong people. Way down at the very bottom of the Lounge is a forum called the helpdesk. That's where those of us who get to fix all the day to day issues know that there's a problem. PLEASE start using this forum if something is showing up that we need to know about. Please include screenshots, what you were trying to view/post when you got the problem, and the time it occurred so that we can start trying to track some things down. We also need to know what browser you're using and if the problem is occurring in more than one. We do know that there are some funky things going on, but if you don't let us know, we can't fix it! I'm the main one that gets to try, so please, if you're seeing random stuff that really shouldn't be showing up, post in the helpdesk or shoot me a PM with the aforementioned screenshot and info so I can start looking into things.


Aims, the friendly admin helper type person