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  1. #281
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    London U.K


    The guys at my club will 100% let me still use it, im sure. But the MOF has been my hq since the codex came out and my 3 techmarines have been a constant. It's not like the sky is falling I just got my hopes up for a character model and I don't like changing my army when it's been working so well.

  2. #282
    Fly Lord
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Austin, Texas, United States


    via [URL=""]Iuchiban[/URL] 6-8-2015

    Marine "Decurion"
    The basic "Decurión" is the Demi battle company:
    - 1 Captain or Chaplain
    - 0-1 Command squad
    - 3 Tactical squads
    - 1 Assault squad, Bike squad, Attack bike squad, Land speeder squad or Assault Cents.
    - 1 Devastator squad or Dev Cent squad.
    - 0-1 Dreadnought of any type.

    This formation may use any battle doctrines once per battle

    If you take 2 Demi-Companies, you get a full Company. (First company with a Captain and the second with a Chaplain). If done so, any unit that is able to purchase a Rhino, Razorback or Drop Pod, may do so without any additional cost.

    Termins are now 175 points (Both types), altough hammer and shied cost +10 points

    Devastator, for +5 points, may once per game, reroll to hit. Grav cannons + amp cost 35 points.

    Chapter master upgrade is not one per army.

    No Land Raider Squadrons, but one Formation (3 Land Raiders of any type). They reroll to wound vs Gargantuan Creatures and to penétrate vs Superhevies. If they are at 6" of any other Raider of the formation, they ignore any result on the damage chart but destroyed.

    To get the benefit of the tank squadrons you need 3 of them. You lose the benefit if you lose a tank.

    Warlord Traits
    Calgar (275) may choose his warlord trait from the codex.
    They are:
    - Warlord gains Fear. Test is done with 3D6.
    - Warlord and his unit get Furious Charge
    - Warlord has FnP
    - Every shooting phase pick a unit at max 12". Shooting weapons of this unit get the Rending SR
    - Any unit in the same Detachment may use Warlord's Ld
    - Any unit at 12" reroll Ld tests (Moral, Pinning, Fear)

    His army may use one additional doctrine, once per game.

    BTW doctrines are cumulative. If you have an Ultramarines detachment, using a DemiCompany and Calgar, you may use the same doctrine 3 times during the battle.

    Tigurius (165). Pretty much the same.

    This is for the Gladius Detachment.

    Let's go with the formations:

    Demi-Company (See above)
    - Tactic Doctrine may be used once per game (cumulative with other doctrines)
    - They get objetive secured

    Anti-Air Defence Force
    - 1 unit of Hunters
    - 1 unit of Stalkers
    - If one Hunter hits a flyer with the main weapon, all Stalkers in the unit get +1BS when firing at this flyer.
    - Unit of Stalkers: Mínimum 2

    1st Company Task Force
    - 3-5 Units from:
    Assault Termis
    Sternguard Veterans
    Vanguard Veterans
    - Fear
    - Fearless
    - At the beginning of the game, pick an enemy unit. Units in this formation have Preferred Enemy against the picked unit
    - Enemy units get -2 to L, if they are a 12" of a mínimum of 3 units of this formation
    Restrictions: None

    Strilke Force Ultra
    - 1 Captain
    - 2 Termi squads
    - 2 Assault Termi squads
    - 1 Venerable Dreadnoght
    - 1 Stormraven
    - 1 LR Crusader or Redeemer
    - All units stay in Reserve. Start rolling on your turn 1.
    - After coming from reserves, or disembarking, shooting weapons of the Termi squads get +1 shoot (For Example, Assault Cannon becomes Heavy 5)
    - When disembarking from a transport, assault Termi units get +1A.
    Captain must have Terminator Armour
    All units must enter via DS, unless embarked in a Transport.

    Reclusiam Command Squad
    - 1 Chaplain
    - 1 Command Squad
    - All units at 6" benefit from the Fanatic SR, not only the Chaplain unit
    - Unit must purchase a Razorback. Chaplain may not leave the command squad.

    10th Company Task Force
    - 3-5 units of:
    Scout Squad
    Scout Bike
    0-1 Telion
    - Precisión shots during first turn
    - If the unit has not the Stealth SR, they get it until the move, shoot, charge, etc.
    - Scout bikes must purchase the mines.

    Storm Wing
    - 1 Stormraven
    - 2 Stormtalons
    - Make only a reserve roll for the whole unit
    - Stormraven gets the Strafin Run SR, if at least a Talon is alive.

    Centurión Siege Breaker Cohort
    - 2-4 Assault Cent squads
    - 1 Ironclad
    - If they destroy a Transport, unit inside the 2D6 S6 AP4 hits, Ignore cover.
    - Reroll to penétrate vs buildings

    Land Raider Spearhead
    - 3 Raiders of any type.
    - See previous posts

    Librarius Conclave
    3-5 Librarians
    - Pick one Librarian, This guy knows all the powers of any Lib of the formation at 12". Those Libs may not cast powers this turn. Picked Lib harness warp charges with 3+ if one Lib is at 12" or less. If 2 Libs at 12" or less, harnessing is with 2+.

    Armoured Task Force
    - 1 Techmarine
    - 0-3 TFC
    - 3-5 Units of
    - 0-1 Chronus
    - Ignore crew shaken and stunned if at 6" of a Techmarine or a Techmarine gunner
    - Thechmarine and Techmarine gunner get +1 to Ominissiah rolls (repair vehicles)

    Suppression Force
    - 1 Whirlwind unit
    - 1 Landspeeder unit
    - One landspeeder may pick an enemy unit at 12". Whirlwinds reroll to hit vs this unit. If the picked unit is out of range of the whirlwinds, the may fire ignoring it.

    Chapter Tactics
    Chapter tactics are:

    - Can use one battle doctrine (Tac, Dev or Assault) once per game. Can use Tac once, Dev once, and Assault once.

    White Scars
    - Reroll when running
    - Bikes get skilled rider, and +1S to HoW attacks

    Imperial Fists
    - Reroll "1" to hit when using bolt weapons (Bolt pistol, boltgun, heavy bolter, assault bolter and combi-weapons)
    - Reroll to penétrate against buildings. Devs and Dev cents have tankhunter SR.

    -Black Templars
    - Crusade + Adamantium Will
    - No Libs
    - If a unit loses a model during any shooting phase, that unit gets Counterattack and Rage.

    Iron Hands
    - Characters and vehicles have the "It will not die" SR. Techmarines have +1 to repair
    - Non, vehicle models get FnP (6+). If model already has FnP, gains +1 instead.

    - FnP (4+) vs flamers. Reroll to wound and to penetrate when firing flamers.
    - All characters improve one weapon to Mastercrafted

    Raven Guard
    - Shrouded during until turn 2. May add +1 to night fight roll
    - May use jump packs both in Movement and Assault phase. Reroll to wound HoW attacks.

    Some info about the Special Characters

    Kor'sarro Khan
    - Gives Scout to the Bikes in his army
    - Give 1D3 victory points if he kills the enemy warlord in a challenge.
    Warlord trait: 12" bubble of rerolling L tests

    - No changes
    Warlord trait: FnP

    - No changes
    Warlord trait: Fear. Fear tests with 3D6

    - No changes
    Warlord trait: FnP

    - Sternguard vets have objetive secured SR
    - Oath of Rynn: same
    Warlord trait: FnP

    - No changes
    - Warlord and unit have Furious charge

    - Cenobyte servitors give FnP at 6"
    - Units in same Detachment use warlord L
    Got some Juicy News? Email BoLS

  3. #283


    Free dedicated transports for a full Company?

    Not quite as bad as free supercooled plasma for the Mechanicus formation, but still. The idea that a points cost has any meaning even within a Codex is rapidly becoming a bad joke.

  4. #284


    White Scars CTs are unfluffy and really didn't need to change... unless I missed something obvious.

  5. #285
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Isle of Man


    if you are taking a full company some free transports are hardly going to break the game.
    Twelve monkeys, eleven hats. One monkey is sad.

  6. #286
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    The Phalanx


    Highlights for me:

    Bolter Drill can use special ammo now.

    Honour Guard and Command Squads are Elites now you don't need characters to take them.

    You can take a librarian formation where one librarian can know any of the powers the others have if they don't cast and warp charges are on 3+

    Lysander has 4 wounds and Eternal warrior still and Fist of Dorn is +6S. Kantor makes Sternguard's objective secured

    All vehicles can squadron you get bonus if you take 3. Whirlwinds get shred and pinning. Pred's get monster and tank hunter.
    If all of that is true, consider me a happy Imperial Fist commander. Very happy that Honour Guard squads are still in the book, hopefully they will have some better gear options this time around. Still gonna need to take a trip to WW to get the Command Tanks box it seems, but some good reasons to get more of all the other Astartes tanks too. Was already getting the figures to run a Librarius formation for an Apoc game at the end of August, glad to see I'll get more use out of them now that there's a similar formation for use in regular 40k games.
    Either there is life in the universe more intelligent than us, or we are the most intelligent form of life in the universe. Either way, it's a worrying thought!

  7. #287


    Min strength full company with assault squads would be ~1300 points and able to take 12 TLLC Razorbacks for free? Doubt it works that way but lol...

  8. #288
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Under Yggdrasil


    Gee, thanks taking all the unique stuff Dark Angels had and giving it to the Vanillas! What's the bet that our Codex will basically play like Vanilla marines with Stubborn and fewer unique toys?

    Man, that's genuinely annoying. GW just can't bear to let DA have unique stuff if it means depriving the douchbags in blue of it.
    "Kill them, my children, but make it slow..."

  9. #289
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Virginia, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by Tomgar View Post
    Gee, thanks taking all the unique stuff Dark Angels had and giving it to the Vanillas! What's the bet that our Codex will basically play like Vanilla marines with Stubborn and fewer unique toys?

    Man, that's genuinely annoying. GW just can't bear to let DA have unique stuff if it means depriving the douchbags in blue of it.
    Don't worry, you'll get your new dex soon, so the rumors say. Then we shall see who is better or worse.

  10. #290
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Under Yggdrasil


    Quote Originally Posted by Austin Becht View Post
    Don't worry, you'll get your new dex soon, so the rumors say. Then we shall see who is better or worse.

    I don't really care about being strong or competitive. I've made my peace with playing with weak sauce after years of Dark Angels and Dark Eldar

    What I resent is that all the things that made us unique (Librarius conclave, Bike troops, all Terminator lists, turn one Terminator alpha-strike) are being stripped away until we're essentially Vanilla Space Marines with fewer toys and a smattering of unique units of questionable worth. Unless our Codex is re-conceptualised from the ground up (I doubt it since it'd entail GW putting in actual effort and imagination when designing rules), that is basically how we're going to end up, regardless of what buffs or nerfs we receive. It's not about power-level but the design philosophy behind each army that makes it unique.

    Hell, at this stage I'm starting to understand the people who drone on about DA being rolled into the Vanilla Codex.
    "Kill them, my children, but make it slow..."

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