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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2015


    Wow this thread is all over the place. I despise tournaments meself but don't think that people are idiots. I find people who call the masses idiots are often the biggest ones lol. I mean look at driving, how many people call the other drivers they run a red light themselves.

    Fun is what you make of it. If you go to a tournament under the pretenses that yer gonna kick arse and lose horribly because someone else had a better list thats on you.

    Good topic erik, it got some blood flowin :P

  2. #32


    I really want to know what the guy took to the tournament... The day before I saw him playing against a guy's Tau army. He had a Shadowseer leading a unit of Howling Banshees; an Autarch on Jetbike with another Shadowseer in a Harlequin Troupe; a Solitaire; a couple of Voidweavers... and I'm sure there was more, but it was probably dead at the time I saw it.

    Hmm... come to think of it... He was adding the +3" to move with Howling Banshees despite having a Harlequin character in the unit (which would actually negate that because it doesn't have the Acrobatic special rule). But at least he was right on the Banshee mask on the Autarch meaning Overwatch couldn't be fired at his unit, which is a bit of a cheeky trick.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The comment on what all armies have reminded me of something funny with my own armies:

    - My Marines have no grav weapons, and Tactical Squads often get heavy bolters. No Centurions, either. One unit of bikes if I dig out all the bikes I have and assemble them.
    - My Eldar collection has no Wave Serpents or Wraithguard (and certainly no Wraithknight).
    - I don't have a Heldrake or Mauler/Forge-fiend for my Chaos Marines.

    Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

  3. #33


    "Probably because you actually interacted with them and do not suffer from an extreme case of prejustice."

    I've interacted with a lot of 40k players too; the vibe is different even if I got along with a lot of those folks (I'm quite easy-going in person, really!). The word's "prejudice", btw.

    FWIW, I actually agree that there's no monopoly on competitive players being gits.
    Social Justice Warlord Titan

  4. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Cap'nSmurfs View Post
    FWIW, I actually agree that there's no monopoly on competitive players being gits.
    There's no monopoly among any group in the world on being gits, sadly...

  5. #35


    Just so! I think it's fine to get frustrated; it happens to us all. The point is that we should all at least try to act with decency and respect to our fellows, as far as we're able. That's really all we can ask, and all anyone's asking for.

    At the same time, we're all different, we want different things, play different ways, and so on. Wider cultures also exist. The trick is to be able to find the like-minded folks and work on your collaborative hobby enjoyment with the people who'll best support and complement that. Which doesn't mean sequestering ourselves off in small groups, but just acknowledging that tastes diverge and that when encountering people who like different things to ourselves that we might not be getting the fullest experience possible. It doesn't mean those folks are wrong.

    Consequently, it can also be immensely frustrating if the dominant groups or cultures in your area are at odds with what you enjoy, especially when you seem to be stuck with it. There, I guess, the option that's left to you is a bit of community or consensus building, however you want to do that.

    Less circular ramble: we've all got a responsibility to be mindful of the enjoyment of others. Don't be a prick.
    Last edited by Cap'nSmurfs; 06-17-2015 at 01:55 PM.
    Social Justice Warlord Titan

  6. #36

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