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  1. #11


    Have never built or painted an Astartes. Have eaten plenty though. Tyranid player here. I find the Xenos races in 40k far more interesting than any of the Marines.

  2. #12


    Started playing soon after they introduced the Tau; I have never built a SM of any sort. I have the Spearhead box from back in the day - it's opened, but I have never built anything out of it because I couldn't come up with a good reason for a bunch of SMs to be fighting alongside the Tau. I even tried to find some common ground with SM players - on what was likely the absolutely most hostile board out there, Bolter and Chainsword. Yeah, I'll never try to do that again. So after that, I simply put them up and never did anything with them. Then Editions changed and there was no longer any reason at all to open the box. ::shrug:: I use my Tau in various ways, these days, particularly Champions and Shadowrun. The SMs? Meh.

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