Hi guys,

Well I haven't done any painting for a couple of months and i think that's simply because I was suffering "Ultramarine burnout".

Age of Sigmar has become very popular at my local club and although I dismissed it as a game at first (mainly because I have so many 40K minis to paint) I've watched a few games and actually now think it's pretty cool.

A mate at work wanted to start so we split the starter set between us which meant I got essentially a playable Khorne army for £30 - not bad.

I decided to paint them up nice and quickly to table top standard but then realised just how nice the minis are so think I am going to enjoy painting them.

I started off with the Khargaroth from the boxed set and pretty much followed the Duncan Rhodes painting tutorial to the letter. The one big thing I changed though was the Nuln Oil wash on all of the flesh areas. It just looked too dark so went with Druchii Violet instead.

So afer a weekend's painting he's pretty much done which is very quick for me! I kinda wish I'd spent more time on him but he's playable now - just have to do the base and finish some of the darker bone areas.



Then I went a bit mad and bought a load of Khorne plastics.... Guess the bug has hit me now....

So I started on a Slaughterpriest. I have to say this mini is gorgeous!! He's also massive!! About Space marine Primarch sized, in fact I'm already thinking he might make a lovely Angron conversion....

So at the moment I have pretty much finished his skin, the rest is just base coated. I could not get decent pics of him though so apologies for the poor quality, had to use the flash.



Hopefully get this guy finished this week, gotta get his arms on...

As with all of my painting projects though no doubt this will be a slow burner, as I am bound to get distracted by something else.