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View Poll Results: Should i bother to make a Tyrannofex?

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Results 21 to 30 of 32
  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Gosport Hampshire UK


    Im the words of a guardsman "Im not fighting that!" Bang goes the bolt pistol ......

    Fantastic stuff there.
    We refuse to take sides in this anymore. And we refuse to let you turn us against one another.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Cape Town, South Africa


    Quote Originally Posted by Nicho View Post
    Hey guys heres apic of my finished harpy made from a trygon kit and some other bits and pieces, Inspired heavily by the artwork in the codex

    I love the fact the wings are big. Big enough to support its weight. Also you put the weapons on arms and not on the wing tips. COMMON SENSE! How is the Harpy supposed to aim while flapping? that stuff is dumb.

  3. #23


    Well, you don't always flap, most of the time you glide. Yup, I'm a gargoyle.

  4. #24

    Default Color Scheme

    Just want to say your Harpy conversion is probably one of the best running around on the internet right now. Also if you don't mind I really like the colors you chose for your Nidz and I would love to know the color recipe. It looks deceptively simple but beautiful none the less. Step by step is prefered.Thanks and keep up the nice work.
    You should put a little guant inside your Tervigons mouth for added effect

  5. #25


    Hey guys, been away btraining for work alot these last few weeks so hobbying was put on pause. Got my harpy painted today though Only thing i havent done is paint his wing membranes as im still deciding what colour to use

  6. #26


    I'm not a fan of that purple, and I still think that the wings on the back make little sense, but the paintjob and the model are otherwise quite impressive.

    Maybe with the exception of the topmost backplate and the topmost tail plate who lack any kind of shading..

  7. #27


    The wings are meant to be like dragon wings i suppose, i imagined them being attached at the shoulder and ive modeled the wings so that they appear to come out through gaps in the bone and not attached to it.

    The paint schemes been interesting as this is the first time i've used my scheme on such a large model, its great for all the smaller stuff but liek you said the top 2 plates could do with some markings or something. I'm still trying to decide what to put on the though.

  8. #28


    Yeah, dragon and angels screwed our imagination up big time, the tyranids' wings are limb-based (see gargoyles) so they use the same muscles that arms in that position would use, dragons or angels with wings on the back have no muscle to make those work.

    Sadly I'm better at being picky than suggesting, I'm happy that you noticed it too, I wish you all the possible luck in finding something suitable.

  9. #29


    heres a pick of what the rest of my nids look like as an army so far. Still got alot to paint and finish building

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    West Melbourne, Florida U.S.


    What a beautiful army!

    I find it hard to paint the scheme that you decided to do. I have tried something like that many times, but it has always failed.

    How did you get the purple effect on the wings of the Harpy?
    40k Dark Eldar HORDES - Legion of Everblight / INFINITY - Yu Jing, HaqqIslam

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