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  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Winston-Salem, CA


    Hmmmm, I started when I was 11 (17 in a month), and I like to think that I'm not a pain

    Anyway, I think the worst players are the ones who aren't playing the game you are. Guys who walk over from somewhere else and start telling you how to play and how your army works, even though you know.
    "All power... demands sacrifice..." ~ Sindri Myr

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Moruya, AUSTRALIA


    Quote Originally Posted by Nedark View Post
    Rule Lawyers. They are the worst. Not the people who question a rule because they either didn't understand it or have never heard of it, but the people who will question every single roll, rule, unit, move, and even what dice you use to represent different attacks. I played one, he did that (he even asked me if I undercoated my models and after I answered said that he wouldn't play if I didn't) and after the game, he complained about how long the game went on. It went on that long because you looked up every single rule in the rulebook, every single battle gear I had equipped, and every single unit I had. He checked every dice roll (If he didn't see it because he wasn't paying attention, he made me roll it again) and call (marine hits on a 4+ for example). They are the worst.
    The next worse is probably the impatient gamer. Ok, so I haven't remembered every stat of every army, battle gear and all 200+ rules; sue me.
    Well my answer to a jerk like that is I would never play him again or if I had to in a Tourny I would "do unto him"

    Regards Barry H.

  3. #63


    Exploiters. The ones who go out of their way to find loopholes within their Codices (sometimes multiple Codicies) that allow them to go beyond the scope of the Rulebook's rules, because "Codex trumps Rulebook".

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Let's croak us some toads!


    Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
    Walkers can turn to shoot in the shooting phase, because they are walkers. That one is in the rules.
    Did you read my post? You can only turn to face a TARGET. If you didn't have LOS to it before, it's not a legal TARGET. You can't shoot things behind you.

    Anyway, I think the worst players are the ones who aren't playing the game you are. Guys who walk over from somewhere else and start telling you how to play and how your army works, even though you know.
    Holy hell, people trying to help you?
    Opinions are like aresholes. Get yours outta my face.. MindWar FTW. Bald and Screaming. Couple others...;) Learn something.

  5. #65


    Quote Originally Posted by TheKingElessar View Post
    Holy hell, people trying to help you?
    I think the sort he's referring to are the kind that come over and start outright telling you you're doing it wrong, parroting things they heard on the internet for optimized builds or strategies without even considering why you might be playing the game, or criticizing how you modeled your army.

    I'd have to agree with him. I've haven't had someone pull it on me yet but I've seen it happen to people who didn't need any such 'coaching' and it really rubbed me the wrong way. These are the sorts of people who will talk smack at a tourney and then get waltzed over by the actually competent players, complain about cheese, and then go off and act high and mighty around the players who don't give a crap about competitive play and just want to have a good time.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Albany, NY


    I absolutely hate playing against people with no tact or taste. Especially those who completely disregard fluff.

  7. #67


    People who call you stupid for your troops selection ("only an idiot takes vehicle squadrons!")

    People who demand you show them every rule you're using, then refuse to do the same when you question their troops abilities.

    People comparing the "canon" of the game to other games' canon without really knowing either (NO! A WARHOUND TITAN IS WAY BIGGER THAN A BATTLEMECH! AUGH!)
    (whoops, sorry about that last one)

    Game store owners using loaded dice (never actually proven, but he bragged that he knew how to do it and had pairs of "lucky dice" used in various games)

    Non-miniature players (in this case it was a Magic player) who come over to your game in progress and just pick up miniatures without asking and start making comments about how their addiction is so much better than ours.

    Players who talk about how flexible their play style is, then always play the same army list.

    Players who forget it's a frakin' game.

    Players who go online and complain about the people they've played against and...Oh crap....

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Winston-Salem, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by TheKingElessar View Post
    Holy hell, people trying to help you?
    No, people who are trying to explain your entire army to you... the best term I can think of is a back-seat player. Madjob got what I meant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Madjob View Post
    I think the sort he's referring to are the kind that come over and start outright telling you you're doing it wrong, parroting things they heard on the internet for optimized builds or strategies without even considering why you might be playing the game, or criticizing how you modeled your army.

    I'd have to agree with him. I've haven't had someone pull it on me yet but I've seen it happen to people who didn't need any such 'coaching' and it really rubbed me the wrong way. These are the sorts of people who will talk smack at a tourney and then get waltzed over by the actually competent players, complain about cheese, and then go off and act high and mighty around the players who don't give a crap about competitive play and just want to have a good time.
    "All power... demands sacrifice..." ~ Sindri Myr

  9. #69


    The folks that can't take losing. If you're going to participate in a competative game, you need to be able to deal with losing if you're going to play. Throwing temper tantrums is for 3 year olds...

  10. #70


    I don't think the worst players are spanish players. Every player who like discuss for every rule, every action or every rolling of dices is the worst. Spanish people are just stubborns with the spanish version of rulebook and codex, but the fault is from GW Spain who's don't traduced fine the codex and rulebook.
    Last edited by Zman; 08-09-2009 at 02:57 PM.

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