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  1. #1

    Default Venerable Dread rule

    Venerable: Glancing or penetrating hits against the Venerable Dreadnought may be re-rolled at the defending player's discretion

    so it means that i get to ask for reroll on penetration dices and not on the results on the damage chart, am i right?

    if yes, that doesnt do much on melta shots but help better on plasmas, krak grenades, etc... right?

    Thanks you alot!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    IA, USA


    No. You may only ask them to reroll on the vehicle damage chart
    DWs: Prussains. KoW: Elves WM: Khador WHFB: Dwarves WH40: IG, SM
    Games-workshop: changing the rules one new codex/army book at a time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Midlands, UK


    Which can be and from personal experience with dreads has been amazingly useful for keeping the things alive... if your opponent has a tendancy to roll 6's in rows it's not so good
    Cats and Dogs are better than kids because they eat less, don't ask for money and if they get pregnant you can sell their children.

  4. #4


    thank you! i had the pdf version of BA and it wasnt as clear as in the space marines codex...

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