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  1. #1

    Default lizardmen 2250 double engine vs triple engine

    Hello, I'm making a tournement lizardmen army and can't descide between there 2 lists.

    Slann,bsb, 2 diciplins, cupped hands of the old ones=395
    16 temple guard, champion, banner bearer, war banner
    skink priest, plauge of tepok, dispel scroll=430
    skink priest, lv 2, dispel scroll, eotg=415
    skink priest, lv 2, eotg=390
    10 blowpipe skinks#
    10 blowpipe skinks
    10 blowpipe skinks
    4 terradons=90


    Slann,bsb, 2 diciplins, cupped hands of the old ones=395
    16 temple guard, champion, banner bearer, war banner
    skink priest, plauge of tepok, dispel scroll=430
    skink priest, lv 2, dispel scroll, eotg=415
    10 blowpipe skinks#
    10 blowpipe skinks
    10 blowpipe skinks
    10 blowpipe skinks
    3 terradons
    salamander, extra crew=80
    salamander, extra crew=80
    4 terradons=120
    3 terradons=90

    So I guess my question is which would you find harder to play against.

  2. #2


    2 units of terradons is harder than 1. 3 EotG would be really great for elf killing, but not so hard against tougher enemies.

    I think that #2 is overall a harder list to play against, though Razordons are tougher than Salamanders, generally speaking.
    Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful. - Nathanael Greene

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    IA, USA


    Not going to a compt tourniment are we?

    2nd one looks like the better player.

    Remember EotG isn't an 'I win' button.
    DWs: Prussains. KoW: Elves WM: Khador WHFB: Dwarves WH40: IG, SM
    Games-workshop: changing the rules one new codex/army book at a time.

  4. #4


    Yea I know.

    The plan is to use the skinks infront of the eotg so when an enemy gets close I run one skink up the outside of the unit and there rest between them and the eotg. Now if the enemy unit charges them they will have to charge the closest model first meaning a full 90 degree pivvot and a juicy flank charge from the eotg next turn.

    Thanks for the responses

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Houston, Tx


    i strongly disagree with Jwolf about razordons. becuase of the necessity of rolling to hit and that fact that any misfires on a stand and shoot mean no shots are taken.

    between the two, the second one is better lets you protect those big points sinks better. Both lists will get yoru comp crushed and happen to be very vulnerable to alot of other lists

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by jamesTFL View Post
    i strongly disagree with Jwolf about razordons. becuase of the necessity of rolling to hit and that fact that any misfires on a stand and shoot mean no shots are taken.

    between the two, the second one is better lets you protect those big points sinks better. Both lists will get yoru comp crushed and happen to be very vulnerable to alot of other lists
    I second that.

    Salamanders = Scary
    Razordons = Fluffy

  7. #7


    I loves my Lizzies and as a fellow Slann, I would shun your list for comp. Why? A slann and two EotGs. Two EotGs is one thing but when you add a Slann to the mix its heavily magic OP. Even using more than one Terradon unit is Hardcore, and 4 Skirmishers ouch!

    Lets try to make this list as good without the negative comp.

    The Slann and the TG are a good size without too much problems. Also give the Slann the War Drums. They help alot

    Lets take one EotG. They are too good not to take.

    For another priest I love to take the Kamikaze priest-Cloak of Featers and Rod of the Storm

    For another Stegadon, lets go Chief w/Warspear

    For Core-
    Lets limit to two skirmishers

    and a block of Saurus with FC

    To finish the list we'll take a single unit of Terradons and two units of Salamanders/Razordons-
    The Razordons or Sallys are a matter of personal taste. I personally prefer Sallys. -3 Armor with no Regen. and no roll to hit and cause panic on a single wound? Sign me up!

    So the final list looks like this:

    Slann (Gen, BSB)-425
    Two Disciplines
    Cupped Hands
    War Drums

    16 Temple Guard-302
    musician, Standard Bearer

    Skink Priest-430
    Lvl. 2, EotG
    Plaque of Tepok
    Dispel Scroll

    Skink Priest-150
    Lvl. 2
    Cloak of Feathers
    Rod of the Storm

    Skink Chief-340
    Reg. Steggy
    Stegadon War-spear



    16 Surus Warriors-222
    FC, spears

    Terradon Riders-90



    Hope this helps some!

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