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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Minneapolis, MN


    I'll play out even the most one-sided games as long as there is something to fight for. If I'm going to lose a multi-objective game regardless, I'll focus on holding or contesting a single objective. If it's annihilation, I'll focus on killing a problem unit or an HQ. There is nothing wrong with playing for a secondary objective or for honor. Our gaming club has plenty of tables, though, so space isn't an issue.

    We do sometimes hit the reset button if things go very, very poorly in the first turn or two. I remember one game against a daemons player where he rolled for the wrong half of his army, and then got mishaps with 4 of the 6 units entering play. We just started over.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    It might be me being competative but I play a game where you play minimum 5 turns, that is the rules which you agree to by playing the game, so unless its a store run big game which they have let stagnate or I have to go early I never leave, In a tournie I was told to quit by onlookers because my marines would lose, I still lost but not after pulling a spectacular manovoure which would have drawn if it wasnt for stupid one on vehicle terrain test

  3. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by oni View Post
    Yup! So don't be a kill joy. Let your opponent enjoy his win.
    Ending the game early doesn't change the fact that what ever their strategy was worked great and has beaten you. If you can't enjoy a victory without dragging your opponent through the mud for an ego boost then your not a person I want to be playing against in the first place.
    Last edited by Zoa; 04-03-2010 at 07:47 AM.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    "The Pines", Victoria


    Its a game enough said.

    There is no place in any game for bad sportsmanship, rudeness and unfairness. If people play by this motto of being an A@s then just dont play them ever. I have played against some really annoying and obnoxious players, and for me i have no problem telling that they are.
    I play to win yes, just like every one else who plays. I just dont gloat, brag, pout, sulk or anything else but smile, laugh and enjoy either a win or lose.

    I had a game that from the first turn nothing i mean nothing went right and i was slaughtered, but it was a memorable game and i never stopped laughing all the way through.
    As for ending a game i play it out nearly everytime, even in a loss. The only time i would end it early is an emergency happened or it was obvious in the fourth turn that id lost by massacre and that we could have time for one more game.

    Even in wins, id let my opponent have fun, even stop using units to make the game more fun, hey ive had games where i wanted it to last longer, and ive let some kid win for fun. Not because i knew id won, or he/she would go home upset, but if you let them win they come back and play again. Better to have more players than waste there money and drop it altogether. Im a freindly player who likes to teach less experienced players.
    "Heretics crave the cleansing fire of absolution. They need not fear, for we shall deliver"

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Minneapolis, MN


    It seems like tapping out early is seen as either good or bad sportsmanship, depending on the club. Around here, there is one player who has a bad reputation for tapping out turn 2 or 3 every time. People stopped playing him because of it.

    We've got small monthly tournaments where it is possible to lose a game and still win a prize. That is probably why we will play casual games until the end and fight for every point. Last tournament, I won twice and lost once, but I eeked out two or three points from my defeat. Those few points were enough to push me into third place.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    In your basement.


    If I'm with a friend I'll play through to the bitter end. It's kind of fun to see what you can do in the face of overwhelming odds. With some random jerk off, I'll leave it up to them. Usually people want to move on to other things. Though, when I lose with Necrons, there's no such thing as an army of stragglers.
    Goodbye Bols!

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    American South East


    Damn. I thought this thread was going to either be about drinking during games or having sex during games.
    To whom it may concern...

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Princeton, Oregon


    I don't like to stop a game early myself. I'm the type of person who likes to have a soft pile of fallen foes to land on. I might be tabled, but I don't consider it a complete loss if I can take at least half of his/her army with me.

    I don't throw a fit when I'm mauling someone and they want to quit. If your opponent can't handle total defeat then nothing good will come from trying to force him/her to finish the game.

    I won't play a person who quits a game because they suddenly decide to do something else. If you can't stick around for an hour or two then don't bother starting a game!

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sacramento area


    Quote Originally Posted by Gnoblar with Pointy Stick View Post
    Damn. I thought this thread was going to either be about drinking during games or having sex during games.
    Should we be worried that those were your first thoughts?
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  10. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by Gnoblar with Pointy Stick View Post
    Damn. I thought this thread was going to either be about drinking during games or having sex during games.

    The latter is incredibly difficult. Both the game and the activity take a lot of concentration, and being distracted effects one or the other (or both).

    Having said that, it's incredibly fun.
    Borderline alcoholic and happy about it.
    Don't get your religion mixed with my Constitution. The mixture curdles.

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