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  1. #461
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    American South East


    Blanche's work is a little incongruous with "modern" Warhammer, I'll agree. But I'm not sure I like the "shininess" and clean proportions of more modern Warhammer art anyway. If people are expecting some neon power fantasy piece like this...

    And end up getting a more artistic and abstract image like, I don't know, a Blanche piece...

    They're going to wonder what the hell is going on. Yes, there is fetishism in his work, perhaps even fetishism tinged with sexism. But for me, the presence of more artistic visions are leaving gaming in general. I think that's a bad thing, and is especially present in Magic the Gathering these days.

    That was Then:

    This is now:
    To whom it may concern...

  2. #462


    In isolation it is merely a persons artistic vision and chosen mode of expression, only if people allow it to negatively influence there self beliefs or if it is used to oppress or denigrate does it become sexist.

    We all have different ideas on how we envision our hobby that we are passionate about, perhaps we should look to support others in expressing their visions to the pinnacle of there ability. I would rather that than people trying to crush others vision and enforcing there own beliefs upon then.

    I don't care what colour the apple is, I still enjoy the taste of apple, perhaps we could make a tasty pie together?

    All told my opinion is that the therr should be one book, with three branches from a central spine.

    The spine being the agents of the inquisition, the three branches, the three chambers militant. Allow people the flexibility to make a combined inquisition + relevant chamber militant, or stand alone chamber militant armies. That way everyone gets to have a finger in the pie.

  3. #463
    Abbess Sanctorum
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Weird != "artistic vision"
    Weird != good art that's enjoyable to look at
    Weird just means weird. Not to say weird is bad. It's just weird.

    Blanche's art is certainly weird, on that we agree.

    But I think it's crap.
    Last edited by Melissia; 04-02-2010 at 02:44 PM.
    The mouth of the Emperor shall meditate wisdom; from His tongue shall speak judgment

  4. #464
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Detroit, Michigan


    Quote Originally Posted by Melissia View Post
    Weird != "artistic vision"
    Weird != good art that's enjoyable to look at
    Weird just means weird. Not to say weird is bad. It's just weird.

    Blanche's art is certainly weird, on that we agree.

    But I think it's crap.
    I agree that weird does not mean good or artistic. Which is why I often dislike Burton's movies, but I'm beside the point.

    I agree that Blanche's art is definitely not for everyone.

  5. #465
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sacramento area


    I'll just stick with my firm opinion that "art" is stupid. Art is pretty straight forward, either I like it or not. And I think blanche's stuff looks dumb, so I don't like it.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  6. #466
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Canberra, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkLink View Post
    I'll just stick with my firm opinion that "art" is stupid. Art is pretty straight forward, either I like it or not. And I think blanche's stuff looks dumb, so I don't like it.
    What if I like something that you don't mate, am I stupid?

    I'm not the type to get angry online (kinda pointless really) but I've actually had to take a few deep breaths recently while reading this discussion. My partner is an artist (as in, exhibits in galleries) and so are a lot of my friends. You have no idea how much prejudice she faces from people with attitudes like yours, DarkLink. Creating a work of art is a very difficult, expensive and unrewarding thing to do, as is facing public criticism when you show it. The reason artists do what they do is because they aren't happy unless they make stuff, and they hope that other people like the stuff they have sacrificed a great deal of blood sweat and tears to give to the world. They are very courageous, focused and thoughtful people, they give far more to the world than the vast majority of TV watching slobs, and they deserve to be happy and have their efforts recognized just like every other person.

    Usually the only thanks they get is from other artists. Everyone else just acts bemused at best, but every now and then some jerk will say that the artist's whole life choice is stupid or pointless or a waste of money and time, or some other thoughtless ****e. Often this is the attitude the media takes, at least here in Australia. Do you have any idea what it's like to spend months creating something beautiful only to have it ignored or laughed at or worse, to be told that you wasted yours and everyone elses time? It takes enormous courage to do that.

    Next time you want to judge an artwork maybe try to remember this: it's OK to not like it, and at least Mel for example knows why she doesn't like Blanche's art, but you aren't portraying yourself in a very good light when the best you can come up with is that it "looks dumb" and ""art" is stupid."

    EDIT: @DarkLink, sorry for the tone, but this is an issue I feel strongly about and I think it's important to stand up for what you believe in. I know you were probably just making an innocent comment.
    Last edited by Kahoolin; 04-02-2010 at 10:40 PM.

  7. #467
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    In your basement.


    I love Blanche's work.
    And hating "art" is really just close minded, but I can fully understand you getting offended about it (having a partner who is an artist).
    I agree with Gnoblar with pointy Stick about the art in Magic the Gathering going rapidly downhill as of late.
    Goodbye Bols!

  8. #468


    Once again veering off topic.

    Perhaps some fantastic news like [url=""]these by Harry[/url] would steer the discussion back to what it's supposed to be?

  9. #469
    Abbess Sanctorum
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Not really, it prstty much says what we already know, Grey Knights are coming late this year.

  10. #470


    You're right, a credible source saying that Grey Knights are coming this year, after a long period of no information, and that someone else's rumors are true is not very good.

    Let's go back to talking about rape, violence and defining each other's perception of art then

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