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  1. #1

    Default Hard Boyz IG Hybrid

    Company Command Squad - 4x plasma guns, Astropath 140
    Chimera - ML/HF 55

    Veteran Squad - autocannon, 3x melta guns 110
    Chimera - ML/HF 55

    Veteran Squad - autocannon, 3x melta guns 110
    Chimera - ML/HF 55

    Veteran Squad - autocannon, 3x melta guns 110
    Chimera - ML/HF 55

    Veteran Squad - autocannon, 3x melta guns 110
    Chimera - ML/HF 55

    Infantry Platoon
    Command Squad - 4x flamers 50
    Special Weapons Squad - 3x flamers 50
    Special Weapons Squad - 3x flamers 50

    Infantry Squad - autocannon, grenade launcher 65
    Infantry Squad - autocannon, grenade launcher 65

    Fast Attack:
    Vendetta - heavy bolters 140
    Vendetta - heavy bolters 140
    Vendetta - heavy bolters 140

    Heavy Support:
    Hydra Squadron - hull heavy bolters 225
    Demolisher Squadron - hull lascannons 360
    Demolisher Squadron - hull lascannons 360


    The list is almost entirely mechanized. Roughly 25% of it is static, with the rest being very mobile. The Infantry Squads will sit on a home objective in cover while "bubble-wrapping" the Hydras and Chimera-borne CCS. The CCS can then issue orders to both itself and the single blob squad, both unleashing their firepower along with the Hydras. This stationary portion of the army will optimally be set up on either side of the deployment zone, as opposed to a central position, to protect my "main front" from a flank attack at their (slightly) more vulnerable side armor, and just otherwise support them from the rear. This main front is my primary spearhead. It consists of the double Demolisher squadrons and quadruple Chimeltas, set up in the following formation: DCDCCDCD. They form a solid wall of mobile heavy armor and even heavier firepower, with the Demolishers capping off the ends. In this way, only AV12 and 14 is showing from the front, with 13 on both sides. Assault-based armies will be charging headlong into massed melta guns, demolisher cannons, and heavy flamers, with heavy plasma and autocannon fire from farther back. In a pinch, this 8-tank-wide wall can also stay stationary if the situation permits (no close-range threats near), and shoot stuff at range with the lascannons, multi-lasers, and autocannons in the Vet squads as well. Lastly, I have 3 separate Vendettas that will start showing up on turn 2 on a 3+, with an 88% chance of outflanking right where I want them, thanks to the Astropath. They have the heavy bolter upgrades, making them effective against a wide variety of targets, and they are also filled with flamer squads, so can hose down hordes and contest/claim objectives with their 24-inch move as well. I believe the list has the numbers and armor to take a vast amount of punishment, the sheer weight of firepower to blow apart any type and number of targets in the game (test games have shown the ability to completely table some opponents on turn 3 and 4), and the mobility and number of scoring units to claim/contest any objectives in question. I'm trying to make the most perfect Hard Boyz list than I can, please show me any holes that I am missing so I can make further improvements because I can't see any right now!

    Here's some numbers:
    15 vehicles; 11 AV12 and 4 AV14
    83 infantry
    8 scoring units, 7 being highly mobile
    10 flamers, 5 heavy flamers (15 templates!)
    5 multi-lasers
    9 heavy bolters
    4 plasma guns and 12 melta guns (all BS4)
    12 autocannons (6 to 8 of them being twin-linked)
    13 lascannons (9 being twin-linked)
    4 demolisher blasts
    Last edited by slobulous; 03-24-2010 at 04:15 PM.

  2. #2


    Surely someone has a suggestion for an improvement???

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Durham, NH


    what do you want us to say? More tanks?

    Where's your Mystified Inquisitor?

    This is 'Ard Boyz... Abuse those rules!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Augusta, Ga


    In all honesty I would drop the Autocannons on the Veterans and take 1 or 2 as 3x Plasma to help out on the Heavy Infantry side as your anti-armor seems saturated already.

    Also, you garner the points for an Inquisitor or a Commissar for you Infantry Platoon...

  5. #5


    I like it overall. I'd drop the autocannons on the vets(they don't mesh with meltas), Add det packs to the special weapon squads, drop the bolters from the vendettas (again, Lascannons and bolters don't mesh well)

    Inquisitors are kind of useful but many powers are ineffective on vehicle bound units, so you probably won't suffer too much without one.

    I prefer plasma with my demolishers. Reason being that I use demolishers as anti-heavy Infantry first, vehicle poppers second.

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