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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Boulder, CO

    Default Adepticon Fantasy Results?

    Has anyone seen the WHFB results from Adepticon? I've searched a few sites, but nothing posted. I'd really like to know who did what with what. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Boulder, CO


    The Adepticon website has posted all results for the convention. Jeff S. won Best Overall again, but as usual they have not posted what armies were actually played by the individuals listed. Maybe it's just me, but that is information that I would actually like to have.

  3. #3


    I agree. Any posting of results seems empty without the armies actually being listed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Houston, Tx


    1st over all was a demon list, i can't recall what he had but i did hear him say he thought the list was fluffy because he took furies

    2nd overall was a 22 comp dwarf list that i played game 2 and drew, so i guess all that comp did help him.

    Best general was a VC army with a dickenhoff gravegaurd bunker that comped out at a massive 2, played my buddy round 4, and the army played exactly like you would expect.

    Despite the torturous comp the same two people took 1st and second and with the same two armies.

    4 games for a tournament is simply too few i have gone two years in a row now and won't be going back since BOLScon has a teams tourney. There are several undefeated people at the end of the day and one draw can really hurt your chances.

  5. #5


    After going to Adepticon for the second year now to play in this event, I don't think I'll ever travel to go to another four game tourney. I'm spoiled on the five game format.

    If Adepticon moved their team games to Friday this wouldn't be too hard to accomplish, but I've never run a GT so what the hell do I know? Props to BoLScon for doing it right.

    Team Games Friday + Seven Game GT = WIN

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Boulder, CO


    Thanks for the info. I agree on the amount of games, it comes down to the luck of the draw when you have fewer than 5 games in a tourney.

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