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  1. #321


    Magnus The Traitor is my favourite warcaster. I've always liked the concept of mercenaries and was very excited when it was first released a long time ago... it was my first warcaster and I bought the boxed set twice to get all his custom warjacks...

    I used him even if he was not that good, loved the idea of deserters and I always came back to use him... now with MKII rules and Magnus Agenda dedicated list he looks cool and wins more often


  2. #322

    Default Newcomer - Favourite Warcaster - Adeptis Rahn

    While I have seen plenty of PP stuff on the internet I don't know anyone who owns any of their models or games locally. When I saw this competition on BOLS I thought it could be the perfect way to start a PP collection. Coming from a background in Bloodbowl and Warhammer, I thought 35 points would be a couple of miniatures. You can imagine my surprise when it turns out to be a sizeable army!

    To arrive at a favourite I visited the Privateer Press website and read about the game universe and the six factions. I have to say this didn't help too much as all of the factions sound fantastic in their own way. I was particularly drawn to the menacing Cryx and the Retribution of Scyrah. Unable to decide based on the descriptions of the factions I looked through the miniature ranges and arrived at a clear preference. The Retribution model range is fantastic. As someone who is perhaps slightly more assembler and painter than gamer the hobby opportunities provided by these miniatures are just too much to pass up on.

    With a faction selected I just needed a favourite Warcaster. The answer was immediate and obvious, as soon as I opened the gallery page the dynamism of the Adeptis Rahn miniature stood out. The pose makes it look as though Rahn is handling lines of force or energy invisible to others. The pose was great and I especially like his gauntled hands. A quick browse of the discussions and tactics posted for Adeptis Rahn only strengthened my decision.

    I've neer played the games before but the synergistic style and the fluff around the rules, espcecially things like the Force Field are really evocative. You can imagine Rahn striding forward toward the enemy, incoming rounds pattering off an invisible barrier or losing momentum and falling to the ground, all the while barking instructions to his troops and directing his Warjacks. Awesome stuff.

    So, my favourite? Adeptis Rahn, cool faction, good fluff, great sounding rules and above all a brilliant miniature.


  3. #323


    no doubt my all time favorite warcaster is queen skarre, as for why she is pure evil fluff, and a pirate goat lady to boot. you dont get more amazing in my eyes.

    oi oi

  4. #324


    I personally like the Vice Scrutator Vindictus. The sculpting on this model is so nice, and the paint job that PP has on the web site is great as well. I wish more of the Menoth models (including the 'jacks) would take a hit from this sculpt!


  5. #325

    Default Magnus the Traitor

    My favorite warcaster has always been Magnus the Traitor. A friend showed me the Warmachine minis when they were pretty new (Magnus and Gorten had just been released) and I was still into Mechwarrior: Dark Age and Confrontation from Rackham and was quite hesitant to get yet another minis game. After looking at the minis available, none of the main factions really got me excited but when I saw the grimy, dirty Magnus and his somewhat cobbled-together battlegroup, I couldn't resist and I've never looked back!

  6. #326


    For me, it has to be Strakhov. Not only does he make his entire army pull off a blitzkrieg, running across the board as if equipped with nitro, he's a nice hard hitter with that trench sword of his. Then there's the fact he's immune to fire and corrosion, give assault kommandos pathfinder, runs around with molotovs, has some interesting spells like sentry and occultation, and you end up with a warcaster who requires a touch more finesse than the likes of the Butcher, but is more forgiving than Sorscha. Focus management with him is also a tad more complicated, juggling it between 'jacks, spells and armour once you get into range.

    As for the miniature, it clearly evokes the assault kommandos on which he's based, yet gives him that slight elaborateness to make him stand without resorting to layers of details. Its a relatively simple model, comes in two parts, and an utter pleasure to paint.

    My latest 'caster and my favourite.

  7. #327


    My favorite caster would have to be Commander Styker. Not Lord Commander, just little ol' pStryker.

    There isn't any great reason or trick behind why, he just makes your army better. Plug him into nearly any list and you can have a good time. His feat is deceptively powerful, ditto his spell list. Winning with Styker also carries a certain cache. He isn't a trick and he doesn't really "combo". A win with him is a win through strong play alone.

  8. #328


    I think it has to be Epic warcaster Captain Alistair Caine.

    He brings the deadly shooting prowess of Cygnar to a whole new level (you can tell this just by the sculpt) and requires that you bring an army that is self sufficient.

    Other casters spend more time, focus and effort in boosting their army to a level that can compete effectively. Captain Caine does not. His soldiers must recognise that their captain is their to win the battle and eliminate the foe single-handed if need be. They must work together, bringing the military strategies and power of Cygnar to the field to support one another while their commander works his own battle.

    To fight with Captain Caine requires that you can fight with only the strength of the common (and uncommon) soldiers of Cygnar in the most tactical and thoughtful way possible. Caine will then step in and provide the deadly icing on this battlefield cake that will bring victory over the foes.

    Use your soldiers as though you must win the battle alone with them and then Caine will raise the ability of his army many times over.

  9. #329


    I would have to go with Sorscha. I don't actually play Khador, but her lore with Vlad really tempts me to pick up an army. I'd kill to read a book from her point of view and find out more about her!

  10. #330
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Scottsdale, AZ


    My favourite caster is epic Vladimir Tzepesci. The model is beautiful, and everything about him screams Khador. From his grim demeanor to the hulking armour plates on his shoulders, eVlad is everything a Khador warcaster is meant to be.

    Lorewise, his romance with Sorcha recommends him highly as a flesh and blood person rather than simply an engine of destruction or pawn of the state. I really can't overstate how flavorful this is. His fall to Cryx and salvation at the hands of the Old Witch make it clear that he is a pivotal figure in Khador - perhaps more so than any other caster around.

    In the end, he is the archetype of a fallen hero. But he has risen again, and I cannot wait to see what further developments lie in store for him.

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