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Thread: Orcs Codex?

  1. #1

    Question Orcs Codex?

    Rumor going around my local hobby shop that TK are next fantasy to be done (Not suprising really) and that Orcs and gobbos are after them, with the release of the new plastic sets it seems even more likely now.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    look @ the gw site Orcs+gobbos advance codex order!
    visit my blog: I do cheap commsion work
    And COME TO BOLSCON UK and yell about my font!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    IA, USA


    Thats the current army book lad!

    Rumours on O&G have been floating in and out since it was announced 8th ed was showing up this summer, the original box was said to empire and O&G.
    I either think TK and OK have the next book, and that rumour as been more prominate since the starter set for 8th is said to have Skaven and HE, knocking O&G out of the starter.

    If O&G get a new book that would be jumping far ahead in the usual flow, skipping WE, Dwarves, Brets, TK, OK - all of which were skipped in 7th ed.

    I love to see it, sort of. O&G should be one of the more fun, flavorful armies, and at the moment gw likes to turn everything (almost) into an abuse power house, adding a more 'serious' demention to the game, rather then fun. ATM O&G are ok, but are also the most self defeating army out there, But I'd rather them wait until gw gets over the fits of army book stupidity they've had for the last two years (sort of). I also want my dwarves to get a new book and dominate the tables once again!
    DWs: Prussains. KoW: Elves WM: Khador WHFB: Dwarves WH40: IG, SM
    Games-workshop: changing the rules one new codex/army book at a time.

  4. #4


    Ah :d
    The reason i picked O+G was the insane rules that they have ^-^ my army is filled with fanatics doom divers magic mushrooms squigs... pretty much anything that has to test to see if you can use how you want!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Kalamazoo, MI


    Whats a codex? - A WHFB Gnoblog

  6. #6


    A codex is an army book. 40k books generally called codexs, fantasy ones are called army books.

    as for orcs and goblins, i personally dont want to see it. not because i dont think they deserve it but because im tiring of predictable gamesworkshop releases. the amount of guard and marine stuff thats been released recently over alst few eyars even has been good but tiersome. (but i understand it, its a buisness and well those things sell)

    as for fantasy, orcs vs empire is safe but has been done, goblins vs dwarves has been done, i really liked the bretonnians vs lizardmen starter kit. i personally would liek to see high elves versus goblins and have eltharion (which would be rumoured new griffon plastic) versus grom. as seriosuly whe are these two going to ever fight otherwise and the story would be good. (those are jsut my thoughts)

    i also think some of the other books and armies nee bringing up to date before books such as orcs get another go leap frogging everyone else.

  7. #7


    God i was tiered last night when i wrote my last post. apologies for the awful spelling and typos.

  8. #8


    Hehe no problem,
    Orcs and goblins are different, you have to admit.. they have some of the craziest rules in the game.. i love taking doom divers and fanatics for the sheer insanity.. one memorable game i threw them out in front of my gobbo line and took a few empire people out of each unit, then they decided to spin the other way! All my goblins and all the empire footmen (i cant remember their name, don't play fantasy as much) were exploded.. i lost as all i had left was a couple of black orcs :P
    point is, if GW do it right the O+G codex will be anything but predictable

  9. #9


    they have some of the craziest rules in the game.
    lol totally agree and its another reason i dont want them to do another book just yet. I played a local staff member (and friend from college) using my high elves he had his orcs and goblins. a misjudgment of distance on my behalf and one of my units let loose the FANATICS!! all hell broke loose and by the next turn all of them were out and causing utter destruction on both sides. it was hilarious, and one of the most fun games i played in ages.

  10. #10


    But think, if we get a new codex and they make it an insane army the way its meant to, <Mad boyz from 40k in fantasy would be win>

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