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  1. #61
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I find that the standard response to a new codex comes in several stages.

    1. Before the codex comes out. " Oh My God! It's going to be overpowered and broken!"

    2. The codex comes out. "Oh My God! It's overpowered and broken!"

    3. After the codex has been around for a while. "Actually, it's not nearly as all powerful and unbeatable as we thought. But the NEXT one will be."

    Repeat as needed.
    92 Golf: Death From Within
    Any plan where you lose your hat is a bad plan.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    In your basement.


    Quote Originally Posted by BuFFo View Post
    Take solace you aren't a Necron player...
    Hey! I heard that!

    I cream Tau...
    Goodbye Bols!

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Jackson, Mississippi


    If you are losing with tau against marines, it's not the army, you are playing it wrong. Tau are a excellent codex. I can't recall (as in... years like 2007 or 2006) that I lost a game with my tau against any loyalist marine army. I actually hope they take their time with tau and do them later in the edition so they are 6th edition ready.

    The thing that sucks with tau is that there is really only one winning build for them with about 10% movement in options.

    As to the bloog angels, they are interesting. I've gotten creamed the last few weeks as my friend test runs stuff on me, but that's 70% him knowing all my lists tricks and me learning his.

    Also, in response to someone in this thread, if your mate *****es about DA's, let him, the codex is almost unplayable. It's like taking a knife to a gunfight. There are only about 4-6 good units in the entire codex, and the army's 'gimmicks' are stupid. (Look at me Mom! I will put my worst terminators in the game right in front of your army and shoot you with a single bad missile launcher/assault cannon!). But as I've said before, we wear dresses, that's what we get.

    Marines are fine. Play more, lose lots, get some tactics, crush them in the face.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Newcastle AU


    I don't consider C:SM to be redundant.

    What if I don't WANT to field BA or successors? Or Grey marines that dig holes, or Green marines who wear bathrobes to battle?

    C:SM does everything I need it to do. Besides, my vindicators have Ordnance 1 blast.
    I don't need Twilight twinkly-sparkle red-vampire marines.

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