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  1. #11


    I feel the tyrant's price is very justifiable. He's got awesome support powers and can still handle himself in most all situations.

    Pyrovores... are just an embarassing codex entry. Musta been cruddance's last minute bug. I honestly think the model was meant to be an advanced biovore artillary bug or something... I mean it doesn't even look like a flamethrower/acidspitter thing. At least they could have made it fire like a hellhound and a make it look like its arcing it's shot... or something.

    I think the tyranid elite section suffers from the same sickness the CSM codex's heavy support does. Where one or two choices far outweigh all the others. No matter how cool some of the others are... I'm looking at you venomthropes..

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Durham, NH


    The fact that when the Venomthrope dies, you lose all the benefits right away makes them a RISKY choice. If their effects lasted to the end of the round, dead or alive, that would make them worth while.

    The whole point of them is to have them absorb shooting. But, it doesn't take much to remove Venomthropes. And once they are gone, the rest of the army is back to where it normally is...

    why would you take them when for ~the same points you can get teleport homers or Tank-be-Gone?

  3. #13


    what.. no shrikes?

    I don't understand why no one's even mentioned these three-wound, stinkin' fast and CC decimating nightmares.
    Last edited by Uncle Nutsy; 04-08-2010 at 02:29 AM.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    becouse they have 5+ save, and most of the weapons, denied AS

    no matter the W3 they can´t save at 5+ and the cost is 35 each for these points put 5 gargoyles with adrenaline glands or toxins and get 2W more and more atack and blind venom!

  5. #15


    I feel the same about the fast attack. Gargs in my opinion just give you a better value per point then pretty much any other FA unit.

    Sure Raveners are pretty good, but a unit of gargs for the same point value can give you more wounds, a unit that is almost as fast, but with blinding venom. Give the gargs Toxin sacs and now you have a unit that can the hurt on anything in the game, minus tanks.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sacramento area


    Pyrovore should've been able to shoot it's template, like a hellhound. That might have made it worthwhile.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Jolyas View Post
    becouse they have 5+ save, and most of the weapons, denied AS

    no matter the W3 they can´t save at 5+ and the cost is 35 each for these points put 5 gargoyles with adrenaline glands or toxins and get 2W more and more atack and blind venom!
    True, but Shrikes have their place. 40k is a game of more than just armor, it's a game of cover and the 12" move allows you to turn that 5+ armor save into essentially a 4+ invuln with only minor detours. Plus, who cares if they take a wound or two especially if you're smart enough to change the biomorphs on each model so you can roll save separately. If that is the case it takes 7 wounds to kill one, it's pretty intense...

  8. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by blackarmchair View Post
    especially if you're smart enough to change the biomorphs on each model so you can roll save separately. If that is the case it takes 7 wounds to kill one, it's pretty intense...
    Since the only item you can vary is the Heavy Weapon you can only get two wound groups in the unit.

    Four Shrikes with Boneswords or dual talons is a nice unit to accompany Gargoyles. It gives them Synapse and can break away and slaughter elite troop units. The whole codex is about synagy, no one unit can hold up the enemy on its own.

  9. #19


    The problem with that Hive Tyrant>Deamon Prince argument is that a. the DP is much cheaper b. It comes standard with an invulnerable save c. It has access to cheap wings. This means that it isn't a huge investment, but it's fast enough and survivable enough that it can actually make it across the board and kill something, unlike the Hive Tyrant, which eats Missiles on T1, and melta/powerfists on T2/3 before dying. It's just too easy to kill to be worth the massive investment.

  10. #20


    The Tyranid codex appears rushed and sloppy. You can see what they were going for with synergy but they failed because the synergy is so easy to counter or interrupt. They did a much better job with BA even though they might have gone a little over the top with some things like Meph. I don't believe the Tyranid codex is going to age well and this "Meta change due to Tyranids!" you hear from people on the net like Spencer from 40k radio is never going to materialize because the nids are such an unforgiving army now. I don't envy nid tournament players with the uphill battles they will face but on the bright side playing with an average at best codex will out of necessity make you a better player.

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