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  1. #11


    Tervigons are HQ - not troops. I haven't played with them much, so I couldn't really comment effectively beyond noticing the Initiative 1 danger of Space Wolf psychers. If you look at the Venomthrope models, you'll see they can effectively hide behind a Tyrant model, only real concern being blast templates.

    As for the others, 50 points of Guardsmen will kill 37.5 points of Termigaunts before they can assault (one round regular fire, one round rapid fire). They'll kill 45 points of Hormagaunts the same way. They'd kill 47 points of Genestealers. Given low cost, and overall utility in cheap squads that still hold firepower, there's not much reason to not take 60+ regular Guardsmen just for bullet shields. You can expect similar cost performance for shooting small bugs from regular Tac marines. If you're playing in a forest with plentiful cover saves, the numbers would change, but I'm not fond of the idea of losing 75% to 94% of my troops before they hit the enemy lines - usually need a little more to be viable.

    Quite right on the scoring units, though. I play a lot of annihilation, and I'm not entirely used to enemies being alive beyond 5 rounds. You can contest with the big bugs, but it wouldn't hurt to throw in two minimal squads of Gaunts if needed.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Newport, RI


    Quote Originally Posted by Judge View Post
    Tervigons are HQ - not troops. I haven't played with them much, so I couldn't really comment effectively beyond noticing the Initiative 1 danger of Space Wolf psychers. If you look at the Venomthrope models, you'll see they can effectively hide behind a Tyrant model, only real concern being blast templates.
    A Tervigon can be taken as a troop choice for each unit of Termagants you bring. Which means 100 points worth of Termagants allows you to field two Tervigons as scoring units.

    Mawlocs are cool and all, but an outflanking Tervigon is even better. Catalyst can give FNP to any unit within 12", and is well worth the points.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Genestealers are mainly used for outflaking and backline tank attacks with rending. Gaunts are really their for Tervigons and scoring purposes. Hormagaunts are used for their speed and cheapness.

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