So here's a list I played be honest...I think I want to take it :-)


Canis Wolfborn
2x Wolves -205

Wolf Lord (Hannibal the Cannibal)
Frost Blade, Belt of Russ, Runic Armor, Saga of the Warrior Born, Thunderwolf Mount, Wolf Tooth Necklace, Wolf Tail Talisman -265

Wolf Lord (MC Hammer)
Thunderwolf mount, Thunder hammer, Storm Shield, Saga of the Bear, Wolf Tooth Necklace, Wolf Tail Talisman, Runic Armor -275

Wolf Priest
Wolf Tooth Necklace, Runic Armor -130


Wolf Scouts 5x
Mark of the Wulfen, Melta Bombs, 2x Plasma Pistols -155

Wolf Guard 5x
2x Power Fists, 2x Power Weapons, 1x Frost Blade -170


Fenrisian Wolves 15x -120

Blood Claws 14x
Power Fist -235

Grey Hunters 5x
Flamer,Mark of the Wulfen, Razorback: Lascannon/Twin Linked Plasma Guns

Grey Hunters 5x
Flamer,Mark of the Wulfen, Razorback: Lascannon/Twin Linked Plasma Guns

Grey Hunters 5x
Melta, Mark of the Wulfen, Razorback: Twin Linked Assault Cannons

Grey Hunters 5x
Melta, Mark of the Wulfen, Razorback: Twin Linked Assault Cannons

Heavy Support

Land Raider Crusader
Extra Armor, Multi Melta -275

Total: 2500

5 Scoring units, 5 tanks, and some VERY NASTY assault units in there. Wolf Guard with Frost Blade, Wolf Priest and Blood Claws go in Land Raider Crusader, other Wold Guard go with respective Grey hunters...not much need for other explanation...just shove it down your opponents throat and watch them choke.