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Thread: Ard'Boyz NIDZ

  1. #1

    Default Ard'Boyz NIDZ

    I don't normally like to post list, but I like BOLS so I thought I would share the list that has been bringing me much success. Hopefully it will help provide some insight into some of the things you always want to bring with your NIDZ list.

    HQ Swarmlord with 2 Tyrant Guard
    HQ Winged Tyrant with Scything Talons x 2/Hive Commander/Adrenal Glands/Regeneration/Wings/Paroxysm/The Horror

    These 2 HQ are in every list I make and always equiped this way

    I always use all my troop slots

    Troops 8 Genestealers with Toxin Sacs
    Troops 8 Genestealers with Toxin Sacs
    Troops 11 Termagants
    Troops 11 Termagants
    Troops Tervigon with Crushing Claws/Adrenal Glands/Toxin Sacs/Regeneration/Catalyst
    Troops Tervigon with Crushing Claws/Adrenal Glands/Toxin Sacs/Regeneration/Catalyst

    I always take 2 Tervigon equiped this way in my list. Without a doubt the best troop choice in all of 40k.

    Elites 3 Hive Guard (Never leave home without these bad boyz, ever.)

    Elites 2 Zoanthropes (Same goes for these boyz.)

    Elites 8 Ymgarl Genestealers (My third slot varies between Ymgarl and Deathleaper. I have a really hard time deciding which is better. Honestly they are both equally as good as the other.)

    Now for the big boyz.

    Heavy Support Trygon with Adrenal glands/Regeneration
    Heavy Support Trygon with Adrenal glands/Regeneration

    These 2 have won me more games at all point levels then any other unit in the new Dex. I always run 2 and always equip them this way. I never take the Prime upgrade honestly it is just useless I mean 80 points is alot of Termagants.

    One thing to note with this list is I never start on the table ever. Anyways there it is enjoy, and I hope it gives some fellow NID players a few ideas.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Durham, NH


    interesting. I normally don't like 2 tervigons, but you gave all of your big bugs regen, so I can see how it works.

    Hurray for Ymgarls.

    I think bugs is one of the few armies in the game that really should use at least 4 or 5 troops. 6 is better. Other armies can get away with 2 or three.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Frisco, Texas


    ugh... the Swarmlord Dx That's the one model in the game that terrify's me. Anywhoo, looks pretty solid man. Your troops, aside from the Tervigons look a little squishy, but since you always play starting in reserves, I guess that would work out. Good luck man. : )

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