So after 'Ard Boyz finished I realized that I had more fun with my Thunderwolves and needed to give my hero's some more is a list capitalizing on the ridiculous:


Canis -185

Hannibal the Cannibal
Wolf Lord, Thunderwolf Mount, Runic Armor, Wolf Tooth Necklace, Belt of Russ, Frost Blade, Saga of the Warrior Born -260

MC Hammer
Wolf Lord, Thunderwolf Mount, Runic Armor, Wolf Tooth Necklace, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer, Saga of the Beastslayer -245


Fenrisian Wolves 15x -120

Grey Hunters 5x
Flamer, Mark of the Wulfen, Razorback: Twin Linked Lascannons -165

Grey Hunters 5x
Flamer, Mark of the Wulfen, Razorback: Twin Linked Lascannons -165

Heavy Support

Long Fangs 5x
4x Missile Launchers -115

Long Fangs 5x
4x Missile Launchers -115

Long Fangs 5x
4x Missile Launchers -115

Total: 1485

Yeah, 2 Troops in Razorbacks doesn't seem idyllic; however, these guys are only around to snipe tanks and big baddies and not really get stuck in. They're there for the late game taking of objectives. The 3 H.Q.'s join the Fenrisian Wolf Pack so that they have 15 ablative wounds so they can cross the field and put the hurting on my opponent. With 12 missiles streaming across the table a turn, my opponent will be hard pressed to get any momentum going as I would pop most transports easily, if a Land Raider shows up, no biggie, I assault it with MC Hammer, surround it with the Wolves and call it a day...~500 points going bye bye.

Thoughts, comments, criticisms? I'm all ears.