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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Portland, ME


    Hah, he gets fired from GW and goes to Blizzard, and gets to work on SC2. Talk about moving up in the world.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Rochester, New York


    Andy left GW not because of his "slow pace" but because he advocated a complete overhaul of the rule system. He wanted 4th edition to be a reactionary turn based system where each player would alternate units within the round instead of the "you go, I go" turn system we currently use. It was viewed as too radical and was scrapped along with Andy. Its funny ever since he left and Jervis took over we havent had a balanced codex, strange I wonder why?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Cheshire, UK


    See I'd heard from my local GW manager at the time, who happened to be at the HQ on the day Andy Chambers was sacked that Mr Chambers had some choice words to say to the Board of Directors and tha's why they actually let him go.

    Yes they'd lost patience with him but when he was pulled in by them he said that 40k would be nothing without him and that they wouldn't dare fire him- needless to say they did dare.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Nottingham, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by MajorSoB View Post
    Andy left GW not because of his "slow pace" but because he advocated a complete overhaul of the rule system. He wanted 4th edition to be a reactionary turn based system where each player would alternate units within the round instead of the "you go, I go" turn system we currently use. It was viewed as too radical and was scrapped along with Andy. Its funny ever since he left and Jervis took over we havent had a balanced codex, strange I wonder why?
    Jervis dosen't really write the main bulk of GW's core Rulebooks anymore, can't remember who wrote 4th (Graham McNeil IIRC for some reason) but Alessio wrote 5th edtion and now he's gone too....

    ... and we are now left with.....

    Mat "IwroteWHFBDeamons&40kBA" Ward to write 8th Edtion Fantasy.... *Shudders*

  5. #15


    Hi all.
    As Andy was lead developer on 40k , (and a great game developer BTW.)He realised the 3rd ed rules were not realy suitable for the current 40k game.

    He proposed a complete re-write based on game play requirments .(A gamer writing rules for gamers, as opposed to corperate managment enforcing rules changes to aid marketing...)

    The GW Corperate managment refused to use his new rule set as they were afraid of losing income by changing the rule set again.(2nd to 3rd 40k was a bit of a rushed job by all accounts, and some players that liked the characterfull skirmish game did not like the 'abstracted blandification' of 3rd ed and dropped it like a hot stone..)

    Andy DID NOT SAY '40k would 'be nothing without him.'

    But that ...ACTUAL 40k game development would amount to nothing without changing the rule set...

    Here we are 6 years and 2 editions later and the rule set is full of so many abstractions and unsuitable game mechanics , its an impossible job to adress the inherent problems within a 'corrupted rule set'.They fix some problems and create others ....over and over again...

    Having seen and played SST , I can say that this rule set would have been far more suitable for the current 40k game size.

    Just to put this into perspective.
    Andy Chambers 'parted ways with' GW plc because he felt rules development and game play were of the highest importance.

    GW plc did not agree.....because his replacment lead developer of 40k Jervis Johnson, follows the corperate mantra.
    And says that GW plc core demoghraphic is the '...craft hobbiest...' NOT gamers.

    And that '.., the rules are not that important... ' and they '...are just the icing on the cake...'

    GW plc Chairman Tom Kirby has said that GW is now ' the buisness of selling toy soldiers to kiddies...'

    Andy is now earning what he is worth, doing what he does best , creating great games, for gamers by gamers.
    Last edited by Mauglum.; 05-21-2010 at 12:25 PM.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    London U.K


    Has any one played The Star Ship Troopers game? I didn't know about it. I'm a big fan of the movie and wondered if it was worth trying to get.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I've got the rule book lying around here, but never managed to play it. But from what I've seen it looks really nice.

  8. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by energongoodie View Post
    Has any one played The Star Ship Troopers game? I didn't know about it. I'm a big fan of the movie and wondered if it was worth trying to get.
    I hope to god the game isn't based on that movie, which honestly had nothing to do with the real (and 100 times better) Starship Troopers, the novel.

    It's sad that people know SST from the movie when the book is one of the foremost works of science fiction, and a precursor to countless other concepts.

    Actually I just checked: the game IS based on the novel, thank god.

    However anyone going to it from the movie is in for a rude awakening, as you will recognize very little other than the bugs from that *******ization.

    p.s. I actually loved the movie (probably because there was boobies) but hate the fact they used the name "Starship Troopers". Extremely misleading to use a respected IP and change it completely and dramatically.

    EDIT: B A S T A R D isn't a ****ing swear word

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    London U.K


    Quote Originally Posted by Torcano View Post
    I hope to god the game isn't based on that movie, which honestly had nothing to do with the real (and 100 times better) Starship Troopers, the novel.

    It's sad that people know SST from the movie when the book is one of the foremost works of science fiction, and a precursor to countless other concepts.

    Actually I just checked: the game IS based on the novel, thank god.

    However anyone going to it from the movie is in for a rude awakening, as you will recognize very little other than the bugs from that *******ization.

    p.s. I actually loved the movie (probably because there was boobies) but hate the fact they used the name "Starship Troopers". Extremely misleading to use a respected IP and change it completely and dramatically.

    EDIT: B A S T A R D isn't a ****ing swear word
    The movie led me to the book actually and then to other Robert A Heinlein stories.
    I'm very interested in picking up a copy of the rules and some models.
    I'm off to ebay.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    West Melbourne, Florida U.S.


    Quote Originally Posted by MajorSoB View Post
    Its funny ever since he left and Jervis took over we havent had a balanced codex, strange I wonder why?
    You must not be playing 40k 5th edition.

    Last time I checked, all 5th edition codices seem on balance with other 5th edition codices.

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