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  1. #51


    If it was anything in that universe, I'd go with a techpriest on Mars. Being safely distant from fighting and spending all day trying to make machines work is a life I can relate to. In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, there is only poorly documented C++.

    Now, if you're asking for an actual front-line Codex entry, I'd go with a farseer. A nice long lifespan, the ability to predict the future, and having a leading position with an excuse to not be at the front of the charge are some nice occupational perks. The whole having a god specifically aiming to eat your soul thing would kind of suck, but hey, you can't win 'em all right?

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Rocky Mountains


    Quote Originally Posted by Faultie View Post
    I'd be a Kroot Mercenary Prey Shaper. Why? A few reasons:
    4. I get to ride around on dinosaurs!
    Unless those Dinosaurs have a plasma cannon hidden somewhere, I'd still rather have my jetbike ^.^

    Quote Originally Posted by Torcano View Post

    As well as getting your entire body and soul fried from the inside-out by the hideous visions planted in your mind by a monstrous daemon from a land of non-Euclidean geometry? Is that "cool"?

    That's why the Dark Angels have the best psychic hoods =P, and I could think of worse ways to go...
    Last edited by LidlessPraetor; 06-16-2010 at 12:33 PM.

  3. #53
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    mostly at home


    I would have two options.
    Vindicar assassin - One shot, one kill - If I had to serve, then this would be the job I would do. At least I will excel at what I do and still keep a fair distance between me and my pray.

    Planetary lord of some unimportant remote world, that has no interest to any one. Preferably cut off from the rest of the Impire (?spelled that way?), thoroughly hidden by warp storms and with no aliens in sight for many hundred of thousand of light years.
    Gaming manifest: Play hard, but play fair. The game is about fun. Treat your opponent with respect. Losing a well fought game, beats winning a bad game.

  4. #54


    the choice is a hard one as there are many beautiful worlds even in the dark future of 40k.

    but to simply be a mortal ruler/aristocrat on a paradise world while blissfull seams to be far too few in a reality where immortality and power beyond knowledge are real things.

    if it had to be some mainstay character I'd definatelly be a warlord or reaver princeps. For a mortal man this position prolly is the safest and most powerfull and on top of that you still get to have family/women (depending on what is your take one wife or many adventures,...).

    if anything is possible I'd be an un-noticed alpha+ psyker who lives a calm live on a paradise world as some sort of farmer. I could live in peace, have relationships and enjoy my life. then either when I discover some ancient eldritch ruins on one of my adventurous expeditions or when something treatens my family I'd "awake" and find out about my potential. I would be powerfull enough and my mind would be strong enough to keep my sanity trough the process of learning and swath aside any deamon that tries to posses me.

    I'd rise in power, learn ancient secrets and assume immortality for me and my beloved ones. Then one day maybe after hundreds or even thousand years of enjoying my life and love I might reach for the stars either beeing recruited by some thousand sons sorcerer and made a space marine or start a cult for myself.

    And once my desire for the mortal realm would fade I'd attain true immortality in deamonhood and over the course of the millenia rise within the ranks to finally become a deamon lord of tzeentch as his realm and desire for all-knowledge is the only thing that in my eyes could make an immortal life fulfilling.

  5. #55
    Abbess Sanctorum
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    Problem is that the human body and mind are incapable of handling alpha+ level power. Alpha level psykers might be able to control themselves if they're particularly strong of will (even better if they have wards on the inside of their skull and special equipment which helps bleed off warp energy safely, like Primaris Psykers do), but alpha plus are exponentially beyond Alpha. This is especially true of unsanctioned psykers, because the sanctioning process adds to the psyker's ability to control this power-- latent psykers are far more vulnerable, and that with the alpha plus status would lead to insanity and daemonic possession, eventually your soul and body are painfully warped to the point where you are used as a massive portal to the Warp, and your psychic power is bent to allowing Daemons into reality. Then either the world would become a daemonworld where everyone is tortured for eternity by the various daemons, or you might get lucky and it would be cleansed by the Grey Knights, and you would be killed and your soul would be left in the warp to fend for itself, uncountable daemonic wills bent on obtaining it for power. If you still had some measure of thinking capacity at that point-- which is unlikely, given the various tortures and mind-rapes you've suffered at the hands of the powers of Chaos-- effectively becoming a daemon yourself and committing a lifetime of servitude towards a higher power would basically be your only way to avoid further torture.
    Last edited by Melissia; 06-17-2010 at 06:37 AM.
    The mouth of the Emperor shall meditate wisdom; from His tongue shall speak judgment

  6. #56
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    London, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by Melissia View Post
    Pick Banner Bearer, you know Sicaruis/Sicarius's helmet is going to be full of wank, while the banner bearer gets a nice flag to shove up his enemy's backsides.

    There's very few things more satisfying than kiling someone with a flagpole.
    You haven't quite grasped the meaning of the word "wank," have you?
    Anti-FSM, Pro-MSoB and proud

  7. #57
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    Rocky Mountains


    Quote Originally Posted by Melissia View Post
    or you might get lucky and it would be cleansed by the Grey Knights, and you would be killed and your soul would be left in the warp to fend for itself, uncountable daemonic wills bent on obtaining it for power.
    Goodluck getting the Grey Knights anywhere near me: Dark Angel, we kinda have an aversion to Inquisitors. Honest truth is, I'd be a Fallen and there's no point in hiding it. I follow the Dark Angels secretely hoping that Cypher succeeds, and that down the road, I could add in daemons and do some insane conversions. I can dream, right? Skulls for my throne! ^.^

    Either that or find something the Watchers in the Dark want and blackmail them into protecting me lol
    Last edited by LidlessPraetor; 06-17-2010 at 12:00 PM.

  8. #58
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    I shall call the Interrogator-Chaplain on you!
    The Dark Angels, The Emperor's First, and Finest!
    A moment of Laxity spawns a lifetime of Heresy

  9. #59


    Id love to be a Big Mek, c'mon, ill be building Stompas, Meka Dreads, Kans, Deff dreads, Deff koptas and Deff rollas, whats more cool than that? And when im done, ill take them to battle, wearing my Kustom Force Field and favorite Power Klaw, and smash everything that moves (and most likely smash it a bit more when it stops, just for the hell of it )

    Thats a good day worth of fun in my small mind hehe!!

  10. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by Sangre View Post
    You haven't quite grasped the meaning of the word "wank," have you?
    Or perhaps she has? Oh no thats worse...............

    (I can feel a shutup incomming)
    To a New Yorker like you a hero is some kinda weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three Tigers!

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