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  1. #161


    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Copeland View Post
    One fellow did say that I should try Adepticon in Dallas this year... it fits my bill but it is 6 hours away!
    Chicago's a bit more than 6 hours away. Besides Astronomi-con allowed unpainted minis (thus spawning the "don't want to play in a tournament to play against unpainted crap" line I mentioned earlier). My question for you is this : Knowing there's someone that would dismiss all non-painted armies as "unpainted crap" (his words, not mine) would you still want to go to the tournament?

    EDIT : Christ how do I keep sniping this thread.

  2. #162


    @ Cossack, I just noticed your Avatar. That is so funny. Thanks for the laugh, you do have a sence of humour my friend. LOL
    What is the most important rule? That we should do whatever the hell we want, but preferably in the best interests of Games workshop when possible? :P Ill go with that

  3. #163


    Quote Originally Posted by Denzark View Post
    Here, fixed that for you.

    Never heard the saying 'No need for KY, Go in Dry!'
    I did that ONCE....
    Elitist douchebag

  4. #164
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Fort Drum, New York, United States


    Quote Originally Posted by Denzark View Post
    No Sir, plenty of room here and I like a drop of the black stuff, I have a litre and a half of bushmills 10 years for afterwards...
    Nice I'll make sure to bring my no name reserve I picked up in my travels to the Emerald Isle

  5. #165


    Wait a're changing the rules!
    Elitist douchebag

  6. #166


    Quote Originally Posted by scadugenga View Post
    Okay--so assertiveness--not normal. Passive-agressive behavior--normal. Got it. I'll stick with being abnormal then, thanks.

    Look at the big brains on scadugenga! More horse ****. Are you Dr. Niles Crane? Why cant you speak English you over educated Ponce.

    Many of them actually. She comes off more frustrated than anything, imo. Warranted? Not really my dept. to say.

    However, that's only 1 person. You specifically stated "non-painters."

    Err well theres you.......

    And your grandfather's service provides exactly what entitlement to you? And what does that have anything to do with my question re: your making a statement of "your messed up country?"

    My Grandfather fought for the right for people the world over to say what they like, not for people the world over to say what they like as long as it doesn't criticize the USA. Heres a thought, My Mother is a US citizen which means I'm automatically entitled to US citizenship, maybe I can move in next door to you and shout at you across the garden fence every morning "Morning Ponce".

    If you don't think your country is seriously messed up, then you need to get yourself some of that professional help that you're obviously so fond of Fraser.

    Easy enough:

    That was an example of how it is not OK to call people names. How exactly does that constitute calling you a racist? Obviously not that bright are you? Well those better colleges are expensive I suppose.

    And actually, given your rather angry post--I imagine somehow you're the one who's undies are in a twist. Wrong side of the bed this morning?
    I'm not angry, I'm quite enjoying taking the piss out of you and watching your pompous righteous indignation pour out all over your bib.
    To a New Yorker like you a hero is some kinda weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three Tigers!

  7. #167


    Quote Originally Posted by thelonegrif View Post
    The problem with barring entrance to painted armies is that this can cause some players to shy away from playing. As well, having such restrictions can cause younger players who most i have seen try to emulate the old more veteran gamers. Case and point a kid came into the soldier one day and he was jumping back and forth between the tables watching The nay sayer of our humble little shop asked this kid what her played his reply was IG. He followed on to tell that he doesn't like to play in the shop cause one of the other locals was kind of a jerk to him about his army being unpainted. Now see this kid he's not older than 12 and a little quirky. He defiantly has an interest in the hobby ,but is afraid to play in the shop cause of what one of the older guys said to him.
    These kids are the future of this game I know for a fact that not all of you are going to continue playing till your old and grey. I would encourage these youngsters to come in learn and play what they have and try to guide them to what will work for them. Shunning them from play simply because they have neither the means nor the funds to buy all the models or paints they want and/or need.
    On the other hand you have the older guys who just don't have the time and with todays economy understandably the money or like me they spread themselves too thin with too many projects at once.
    The guys that are spread too thin with multiple projects are the ones that buy the most mini's in the shortest amount of time and hence they support the creators and help to keep prices lower by keeping the demand with in an acceptable range.The slow going guy that buy a little at a time and paints it before he buys his next box or blister of minis and helping fund the creators and shops to stay open and keep producing.
    As for the Elitist ********s they are the kind of people that drive off the newer players and make this seem like an elite club that only a few have the talent for. My message to them if you s*** looks so d*** good show me a golden f***en demon award, you cry about some else's lower standards, but you don't see that they don't have the time or funds to sink into a very time consuming hobby so please leave us that are unpainted or not painted alone and keep "your" standards to yourselves. Its great you have that kind of time on your hands and/or you have the means to come across that kind of money. Remember this though you will not being playing forever and someone will eventually either get fed up with your crap and decide to not play because maybe in his mind all the veteran players fall under the same stereo type. With that being said you may end up causing another veteran player to lose an opponent that he could have some to teach too.
    Making people paint there armies just to get into tournaments can greatly limit the playing field to mostly elitist jerks and the few older guys that still play. Opening the door to unpainted armies also opens doors to new talent and new minds At first most new players are generally easier to beat than the veterans, but with every game they are bound to learn something. As well as dig a little deeper and learn a little more about the game to help improve their own skill and tactical prowess. Over time these will be the guys/gals that end up beating you in a game with something you don't expect at all. Another point my mentor is the best apocalypse player i know (though he no longer plays because of a f(r)iend) yet before he lost everything the majority of 25k points worth of chaos was unpainted.
    Well I have said my peace.
    I would say you've had quite enough Guiness already tonight my friend. Once again Drinking + Internet, never a good thing.
    To a New Yorker like you a hero is some kinda weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three Tigers!

  8. #168


    Quote Originally Posted by thelonegrif View Post
    Making people paint there armies just to get into tournaments can greatly limit the playing field to mostly elitist jerks and the few older guys that still play.
    Epic fail. You need to get out and play at a few events which require painting before you make such a damning and sweeping statement.
    Curious Constructs -
    Kirton Games -

  9. #169


    Quote Originally Posted by Shavnir View Post
    Chicago's a bit more than 6 hours away. Besides Astronomi-con allowed unpainted minis (thus spawning the "don't want to play in a tournament to play against unpainted crap" line I mentioned earlier). My question for you is this : Knowing there's someone that would dismiss all non-painted armies as "unpainted crap" (his words, not mine) would you still want to go to the tournament?

    EDIT : Christ how do I keep sniping this thread.
    I was just looking at [URL=""][/URL] and their rules indicate that it would be just my bag: painted armies only.

    Now onto your question... "Knowing there's someone that would dismiss all non-painted armies as "unpainted crap" (his words, not mine) would you still want to go to the tournament?" Hmmmm... just knowing that there might be a player there with that attitude wouldn't stop me from playing, I think. There will ALWAYS be someone somewhere that holds attitudes that I just don't agree with. However, that doesn't stop me from soldiering on and trying to be the cheery, polite person I want to be...

    I've never been to a tourney that had the "come painted or don't come at all" requirement clearly stated in the rules. I think it would be an amazing spectacle to see! I love to see fully painted armies clashing. So, I don't think I'd let another person's attitude deter me from enjoying myself. After all, most of the regular tourneys I play are usually filled with folks who are far more focused on the tactics (to the exclusion of painting... tactics-snobs as opposed to painting-snobs, if you will) than I am and I don't let their uber-competetiveness bring me down.


  10. #170
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Naperville, IL


    Quote Originally Posted by Aldramelech View Post
    I'm not angry, I'm quite enjoying taking the piss out of you and watching your pompous righteous indignation pour out all over your bib.
    Ah, personal attacks and namecalling!

    How very adult of you, Aldy. Well, I guess that exhausts any rational discussion options left, eh?

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