Que the bad music, cause I think that gobbowhip is back, and probably better than ever!

So check this, no model can move more than double its base move.

All models in a unit count their movement as if they were the outside edge of the wheel pivot point.

So by Black Gobbo Rampag'in Deathmob (or just gobbos for short) consists of 20 joes, a musician and 3 very angry fanatics.

If I deploy these crazy gits parrallell to my board edge with 1 rank and 20 files i think I can do the following...

Declare that the gobbos are marching.

Whip the unit toward the enemy, releasing the fanatics (the unit is about 16" long, so adding a few gobbos would probably help the math a bit...but I think y'all get the point so far...) on any unsuspecting units near their deployment zone edge.

Move the unit (now facing toward my own board edge) away from the enemy.

As the unit's movement comes to a close, reform using my general's leadership(assuming that he is somewhere in the middle of my deployment zone) collapsing the unit down and facing the enemy as a 5x4 block.

Notes: Only in each maneuver is your movement restricted to 2x your model's base move. Marching would be in addition to any reform moves.

I think this one is right. I would probably punch myself in the dangles for trying it...but now that the FAQ is updated all the work the GW put into shutting the whip down seems to have been undone.

If I'm wring please let me know how. This little foray was an explanation of how I interpreted the rules. I am alwasy open to constructive instruction on the new rulebook.

Thanks All!