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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    London, UK


    Different game store for you, my friend.
    Anti-FSM, Pro-MSoB and proud

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Newcastle AU


    ^ What he said.

    If my option was that store or no store, I'd take no store over him.

    You don't have friends who live 'nearby' and a shed/room you can play in in one of your dwellings?
    (This was how I played many games of 40k in the very early 90s. 3-4 mates and I in the back shed of one of their places. Beer and pizza optional.). I weep for you.

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by chromedog View Post
    ^ What he said.

    If my option was that store or no store, I'd take no store over him.

    You don't have friends who live 'nearby' and a shed/room you can play in in one of your dwellings?
    (This was how I played many games of 40k in the very early 90s. 3-4 mates and I in the back shed of one of their places. Beer and pizza optional.). I weep for you.
    I drive truck..Not so fortunate in that respect.


    Here's a scenario from one of these aforementioned tournaments. Completely untested, and he had to consistently "make" rulings that weren't seeming to stick across the boards as to how some of the ideas functioned throughout the day.

    *Note* I have not edited this, nor corrected any spelling mistakes on what was handed out AT the tournament. Also interesting to note there were not enough copies to go one to a table, and he collected the packets at the end because he didn't want them "getting out".

    Mission 1

    Special Rules: All units not using Outflank, Infiltrate, or Deep Strike rules must be held in reserve and must be deployed using the deep strikes rules on the first turn of the game. All units deploying in this manner automatically come in on the first turn, however, these units must deep strike in the owning player's deployment zone. Units that normally arrive via deep strike may still follow their own rules and arrive as per normal starting on turn 2.

    Fleet Communication Officer- Select one model with no more than 1 wound and an armour save no better than 3+ from your army to be your Fleet Communications Officer. The Officer must be deployed with the rest of the forces on turn one, he may not enter the game via infiltrate or outflank.

    Deployment: Dawn of War

    Primary Objective: Select one piece of terrain on the board to be your "base of operations". At the end of the game you must have control of the base of operations. To do this, you must have more scoring units inside the base than your opponent.

    Secondary Objective: Rumor has it that an antenna array is located nearby may still be functional. If it is then is may help further your search efforts for lost technology. Control the communications array at the end of the game.

    Secondary Objective: In order to secure the area you will need to disrupt the enemy's landing as much as possible. Kill the Fleet Communication Officer to help confuse the enemy's landing effort.


    Notes that had to be WRITTEN IN: 50% Rounding must deploy 1st turn.
    Battle Points: Primary 10, Secondary 5, Secondary 5.

    After reading these, I had the following responses:

    Mission 1
    1. 3+ armour save. I play deathwing. Nothing has a save less than 2+.
    Also anyone who runs a wolf guard terminator list in a similar manner to deathwing will have the same problem.

    2. "Fleet Communications Officer" You indicate in the first section if your units may still follow their own rules if they have deep strike special rule. Later then, you say that the officer must arrive on turn 1, and can't enter the game via infiltrate or outflank. If he has deep strike as a special rule (Say, terminator armour) Which over rides which, and for what reasons? This would work out better by using a token, or a model that is different from the rest, and not part of the army, similar fashion to the fantasy scenarios. Here (handing our the miniature) is your communications officer. Place him where you wish, he must stay attached to a unit.

    3. Primary objective. This would be better phrased as more models in the base than your opponent, otherwise this is geared towards a troop selection heavy list. More models makes more sense, as normally non troop units can contest an objective anyhow.

    4. Secondary Objective #1. Explain the communications array in the scenario! This prevents confusion

    5. Grammar.

    6. You should get a bonus if your fleet commander is alive at the end of the game.

    7. There should be other "Battle points" so this is LESS likely to lead to ties with the way the points are distributed currently.

    8. I really don't like this scenario. Forcing a deep strike just doesn't seem right. Also, there were loads of pictures plastered on each page, all in black and white. My vote was skip the pictures, give us the scenario.
    Commission painting & minis currently 4 sale: Our Studio Blog:

  4. #14


    And... Here is the scenario after he "modified it" and posted it for others on the forum (finally)

    Mission 1 Cut the Wire!
    The High Command / Hive Mind / Warboss has instructed you to penetrate a weaker area of the enemy defenses. A key element to your advance is stealth and surprise, as the enemy cannot know what your intentions are or they will reinforce their position. However, despite your best efforts, during your advance you have meet another advance enemy recon-in-force division and your cover has been blown. In order to salvage the situation you must kill the enemy’s communication officer and prevent them from sending word back to their own front lines.
    Primary Objective: Kill the enemy Communications Officer
    Secondary Objective: Seize an old communications array within the area, the enemy could use it to transmit their message back to the lines.
    Secondary Objective: Destroy all enemy Fast Attack units, least they escape and return the message home.

    Special Rules:
    Select one model with no more than 1 wound and an armor save no better than a 3+ from your army to be your communications officer. The officer may be mounted in a vehicle but he cannot start the game in reserve or infiltrate. He and his squad must be deployed on to the board during the deployment phase.

    Should a player’s army list contain no fast attack units or both armies have a different number of fast attack units, then the difference of both numbers is taken. I.E. if player X has 2 FA choices and player Y only has 1 FA choice then player X is automatically awarded one point to equal things out.

    Deployment: Spearhead

    (Picture to show what spearhead looks like)
    Commission painting & minis currently 4 sale: Our Studio Blog:

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