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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sacramento area


    Last year there was one. This year there was three.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    West Melbourne, Florida U.S.


    Quote Originally Posted by codiddy View Post
    so at 'ard boyz you want to win the semi's more than the finals?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Boulder, CO


    Which is why a huge amount of people who win the semi's take their prize and give up their spot in the finals, because really, it's not worth the travel. =P
    "Nuh Uhn" is the valid counter argument to "Uhn Huh," which was the entire Affirmative case presented. -JWolf

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Campbelltown NSW (Aussie)


    Quote Originally Posted by RocketRollRebel View Post
    I thought there was just one 'ard boyz finals (ie the one in chicago)? I know demons won in '08 with fate crusher list and I thought Darkwynns Leafblower was the '09 winner? For 40k at least.

    Those prizes are weak too. Giant fake weapons from the game? No thanks. I'd rather a cool trophy and like a 2,500 pt army or something. From what one of the guys from my local shop said and the bat rep on here of the WHFB 'ard boyz finals last year it just looked lame.

    I love competitive play and am a GT junkie but seeing all those "built the night before" armies make me a sad panda and makes baby jesus cry.
    If they were going to get you some kind of gun or life size gear from 40K, how about a properly made suit of power armour, like those seen at some of the GW games day events. Throw in the Bolter with removable mag. That would be cool. Only problem is how do you ge tit in a size to match the winner - LOL. When the winner puts it on, you could have the old punch line - " youu're a bit small to be a storm trooper aren't you?" mentioned, or maybe it would be just a little bit too snug.

    In some of the competitions we played foranother gaming systems in Sydney at their MOAB event, The organiser for the game had special minaitures made by a sculpter, with permission from the company that had copyright for it, and offered painted miniatures of the mech (sorry hint dropped there), which I painted up, in different unit colours. It was a rare miniature, and not many people have that miniature.

    The event organisers could get permission from GW to have a special miniature made for the event. It would be so cool knowing you and a few others have the only one to haver that model in the world.

    But if they offered a free professionally painted army woth about 3000 points I would take it as well.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Calgary, AB


    A friend of mine actually went to the LA Ard Boyz tournament and said there were only 14 people who showed up. He flew there all the way from Calgary and I gotta say after hearing just how small the tourney was and now seeing what the prize was I would of be BEYOND pissed if I went.

    I havent really heard anything about either of the other tournies. Does anyone know how many people showed up to those events and if they also had such sweet prizes? Also, it doesnt make any sense that GW split up the tournies into 3 locations. I thought the whole point of this tournament was to crown a North American how does one do that if you have 3 tournies? Weird. Ah well, I hope Vegas next summer is better run then this years Ard Boyz as I was actually thinking of attending it.

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Lerra View Post
    There were three divisions in the US (west coast, east coast, and central). The winning armies were Chaos Daemons, Chaos Space Marines, and Imp Guard.
    What was the west coat list? I know it was daemons, but it looks like... 12 models?

  7. #17


    well if you would listen to the podcast we list the army. but there were more than 12 models He also won an Invitation to the GT in las vegas in 2011

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Boulder, CO


    [URL=""]Bald and Screaming[/URL] has all the finalists lists.

    Except one.


    Apparently it's supposed to be footslogger SW, a list I've been trying to get to work since the codex came out. Ah well.

    Also, 66% attendance rate for those wondering. =P
    "Nuh Uhn" is the valid counter argument to "Uhn Huh," which was the entire Affirmative case presented. -JWolf

  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Oregon, USA


    The low turnout REALLY pisses me off. I was first alternate(tied for third) at my semifinal, and I would have given an arm and a leg just for the chance to play in one of the finals, and now I learn that a large number of people who qualified didn't even bother to go...
    Because really, the Hive Mind just wants to make friends.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    West Melbourne, Florida U.S.


    Quote Originally Posted by Hugz4Genestealers View Post
    The low turnout REALLY pisses me off. I was first alternate(tied for third) at my semifinal, and I would have given an arm and a leg just for the chance to play in one of the finals, and now I learn that a large number of people who qualified didn't even bother to go...
    It is like that every year.

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