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  1. #1

    Default WarGamesCon swap meet?

    Anyone else think it might be cool to have swap meets at a convention like WarGamesCon? Just a section/time slot where folks can trade stuff they have for stuff they want? I know I’m not the only one who has stuff lying around that they don’t want. I’ve got half a battle company on sprues just taking up space. Not to mention upgrade shoulder pads, forgeworld doors and too many power fists to count.


  2. #2


    This is a major feature of all Shows/Conventions over here. We call it bring and buy. A large area with tables is set up like a trade stand, you bring your stuff along and fill in a form describing the goods and how much you want to sell for. The stuff goes on the table and the organisers do their best to sell it for you. At the end of the day you come and pick up your stuff if it hasn't sold or collect your money minus 10% if it has.

    At big shows people at the bring and buy are 3-4 deep! You get some great bargains.
    To a New Yorker like you a hero is some kinda weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three Tigers!

  3. #3
    Occuli Imperator
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Feast of Blades


    That would be a great idea!

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  4. #4


    I imagine it could be a huge hit. 'One mans trash',if you will. For example, I have enough hatch/gun turrets to make ten rhinos into razorbacks. To me they're of no use, but I bet a lot of marine players could use a few.

  5. #5


    We can no problem have space available for this at the end of the day Friday / Saturday.
    Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful. - Nathanael Greene

  6. #6


    JWolf, that's great. Any better way to let others know?

  7. #7


    I'll be available Saturday to help with this. Also, since work has decided to blow up my plans, I'm bringing unassembled models and having a modeling corner. Lets see how much of my "closet of stuff" I can assemble in one day

    Well, between helping with open gaming and Narrative track events

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