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Thread: GK stuff

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sacramento area


    Seems the "wounds daemons on a 2+" was bull;

    Quote Originally Posted by Stickymonkey
    I've seen "other" sites reporting I said nfw gave wound daemons on 2+. I never said that. Not sure where that is coming from.

    From what I know right now nfw will be +2S across the board as now, but pagks will all count as pw, and tagks will all count as fw. Then on top of that, all nfw gain additional capabilities vs daemons. Plus unit leaders may have master crafted nfw...not sure if it's upgrade or standard.

    I'm not disappointed in the least.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  2. #42
    Occuli Imperator
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    LIke I said before, as long as the rules aren't completely backwards (Like when Dark Angels came out) then I will be starting a GK army.

    After seeing how great the SW models were then to be trmped by the new kings of bling (Blood Angels) I can only assume that the plastics for Gk will be super sexy! In which case I will have to at least have one army.

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  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by HsojVvad View Post
    You guys forget to mention Tyranids. Why would GK fight Tyranids?
    Dude, they're Tyranids, what other reason could you possibly need?

  4. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkLink View Post

    Besides, as I pointed out earlier, GW says that the GKs will fight anyone for a variety of reasons, and dedicate a few pages to these reasons in the DH codex. So you might disagree with me, but GW disagrees with you, and they're the ones who write the fluff.
    I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this one! A lot of things you've posted make sense, but some stuff doesn't.


    The Ordo Malleus is indeed a secret branch within the Inquisition itself that utilises the Grey Knights as its Chamber Militant, which are in themselves supposed to be a secretive Chapter of Marines (at least to the general Imperial populace) who are specifically trained to fight, yes Chaos in all its forms, but c'mon, they specialise in DAEMONS!!!! They carry the Liber Daemonicum around their necks! They wear Aegis suits to protect them from the effects of the Immaterium and daemons! Which are covered in hexagrammic and anti-daemonic wards!! These guys are capable of fighting any army in 40K, but they are supposed to be anti-chaos (I concede you're right about that at least!) troops! I am not saying for one minute that no-one should use them as an army, not collect them etc - as I said, I'm champing at the bit for them to be revamped, but I will always feel the game is better when I'm fighting my Grey Knights against their intended foe. Come on, you know it's never the same against Eldar, Dark Eldar, Orks, Tyranids, Tau, Space Marines, Guard - I know you can spin a good story out of it - it just isn't as satisfying as charging your Grey Knight terms into a horde of Bloodletters or Stern up against a Lord of Change, is it?!?!

    Actually, although 40K is not the be all and end all of my life, it is a hobby I enjoy and play regularly (although I'm better at painting than I am at playing). The 'fluff' is what makes the game enjoyable to me, as it is such a rich universe in which to play. So although I would never turn down a game of 40K, I'm always more likely to enjoy a game in charge of Grey Knights if I'm playing Chaos!

  5. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by HsojVvad View Post
    You guys forget to mention Tyranids. Why would GK fight Tyranids?
    Well you see. The Deamons and Deamon hunters sould be fighting. But then a Tyranid invasion would come and start invading the planet they were fighting on..... So then the Deamons and deamon-hunters team up to drive back the tyranids.

    Once the day was won they went there separate ways since they could not fight ageist the people they once stood back to back with ageist the tyranids.
    Last edited by Lockark; 08-06-2010 at 11:46 AM.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lockark View Post
    Well you see. The Deamons and Deamon hunters sould be fighting. But then a Tyranid invasion would come and start invading the planet they were fighting on..... So then the Deamons and deamon-hunters team up to drive back the tyranids. Once the day was won they went there separate ways since they could not fight ageist the people they once stood back to back with ageist the tyranids.
    Ya know... I feel like I've read this exact story in 3 of the 3 most recent codexes...

    The Blood Angels one made me the angriest, though.

  7. #47
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    Aug 2010


    Easy enough to justify really. They were investigating reports of daemonic incursions and we're set upon by 'insert army here'

    They have just defeated a small warband of daemons when 'insert army here' shows up. Most armies could have a reason for following a warp rift to see whats there.

    Failing that, The inquisition deemed the situation with 'insert army here' dire enough to need help and there was no other marine chapter free for 'insert diastance here'

    Eitherway, when faced with a world being invaded by 'insert army here' they are still Space Marines and defenders of humanity and will not walk away from it.

    Thats my take on it anyway. They are set up for fighting daemons, that doesn't mean when the brown stuff hits the fan in some way they won't chip in there buck 0 five.

  8. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by Drew da Destroya View Post
    Ya know... I feel like I've read this exact story in 3 of the 3 most recent codexes...

    The Blood Angels one made me the angriest, though.

    That's kinda the point I was making. If something as crazy as a Blood Angle and Necron tag-Team up can be justified IN CANNON, then I really wouldn't worry about the demonhunter's fighting non-chaos armies.

    40k's Fluff is not as rigid as some people like to say it is. There must have been some time in 40k's history were Grey Knights fought Nids, Eldar, Orks, ect.

  9. #49


    Wait...what? BA and toaster team-up, in canon? That doesn't even make sense!
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  10. #50
    Join Date
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    Page 16 of the BA codex, 955.M41, The Gehenna Campaign. Apparently the toasters were to tired to fight after the big bugs came down to try to eat them and the blood angles were to ANNNND they didn't want to fight someone who they just fought against because the pretty space vampires didn't want to hurt those mean ol' toasters so they hurried home to re-apply there sparkles that washed off from all they're crying.
    Last edited by Sparda; 08-08-2010 at 07:30 PM.

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