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  1. #1

    Default Necron Speculation

    There are two tid bits I'd like to hear some speculation on

    a) The Silent King mentioned in the Blood Angels codex

    A potential named character to debut with the new codex?

    b) The rumored C'Tan Rebels

    Necrons that retained their sentience? Or Imperial traitors?

    Concerning the C'Tan Rebels, I'm hoping it's the first. The latter is hardly innovative...

    What about the rest of you?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Southern California


    It's possible that the 'Silent King' might be a special character in the upcoming codex, but it is as likely not going to be the case. I've heard that the C'tan are not going to be in the new codex, but there will be some 'aspect of them' which can appear in the future and will use the same or equivalent minis as are now present. The real C'tan are going to get Forge World minis and be considerably buffed. In the Apocalypse book, it states that there are at least four levels or types of Necron Lords (bronze, silver, gold, platinum) which indicates progressive levels of authority. Since the 'Silent King' is the first named Necron Lord after the 'Herald of the Storm' for the Fall of Medusa V campaign in 2006, it might just indicate that 'crons are getting a codex update soon, just like the appearance of Dark Eldar in the codices of late. There supposedly will be some Necron Lord SCs, and it's possible that the 'Silent King' will be one of them, but it is just as likely not.

    Regarding the C'tan rebels, I haven't heard anything about them, but they are probably mon-keigh who worship the C'tan. Read p. 60 of the Necron codex in the 'graven images' and 'inquisitorial investigation' sections. It is also hinted that the Void Dragon rests in Mars and elements of the Adeptus Mechanicus, if not the entire lot, are agents of and serve this C'tan.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Plymouth, England


    Black libriary books and codexs are always a bit sneaky and sneak a few references to the upcoming into them in a few place.

    I remember hearing the C'tan were going to be suitable re-beefened and be gargantuan creatures for apoc only, with different lords getting "Gifts of the C'tan" wargear and bits. Theres good odds on them seeing a release next year, they're the only other army with rumours (after DE and GK)
    Autarch, Shas'o, Chaos Lord and Decadant Lord of the Webway. And a Doctor!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    U.S. Army


    necron followers would be really cool way to bring in a dark mechanicas list into 40k. Wouild be one hell of a campaign that could tear apart the imperium or leave it intact enough for games workshop to mantain its current balance but really put things on edge for awhile.
    "I have seen what you will see. I have fought what you must fight, and I have slain what you must slay...." Commander Dante

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I'd like to see more personality to the Lord's and I'd speculate they probably will do just that. I like the C'tan but I'd rather see them in either apocalypse or fluff-only, id rather see the focus on the Lord's and introduce more new units to suit those. I'd guess we'll probably see Lord's that change the ForceOrg as seems common for 5th edition HQ stuff - which could very well open up some cool army-builds (I myself would love to do a pure wraith-wing or immortalwing army). On the visual side, I hope they continue with the lovecraftian elements and go further with that.

    A many-tentacled metal monstrosity that looks like a living metal shoggoth would be my ultimate wish.
    Please support a Poor starving musician and buy my new album for only £5 :

  6. #6


    The only problem with a shoggoth is that they're invisible. GW could sell us empty boxes for $50!!!!

    I know what you mean though. Maybe the Necronomicon could be wargear

  7. #7


    C'Tan will most likely end up as legendary units for Apocalypse only.

    They need, and should get, more diversity, especially in Troops choices.

    The HQ will be four levels of the Necron lord.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    what about the giant metal Wyrm that Ferrus Manus fought and killed and Gave him the name Iron Hands

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by C'Thulhu View Post
    The only problem with a shoggoth is that they're invisible. GW could sell us empty boxes for $50!!!!

    I know what you mean though. Maybe the Necronomicon could be wargear
    invisible ? they never seemed invisible in mountains of me a bit confused here

    But as a visual reference :

    the green colour certainly adds to it being a good reference point
    Please support a Poor starving musician and buy my new album for only £5 :

  10. #10


    I was referring to the Dunwich Horror.

    I personally hope for a named Pariah that can get them across the field in more or less one piece so i can actually use the mighty warscythes
    Last edited by C'Thulhu; 09-09-2010 at 12:50 PM.

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