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Thread: Necron Rumours

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Render Noir View Post
    I have a tough time believing any rumor that suggests a stat line change. Look at all the new books over the past 2 years, both 40k and Fantasy - it doesn't happen.
    Actually, this isn't true. There are units that have had Stat changes.
    The new Dark Eldar Archon will go from WS/BS:6 to WS/BS:7 (and may have higher attacks and/or leadership).

    I think Minotaurs/Rat Ogres/Tyranid Warriors/Hive Tyrants all had slight stat changes (or at least special rules that effectively change their stats and/or play style).

    When you have very old established stat-lines (like human or space marine), they are unlikely to change. When it comes to things like Necrons, people aren't going to be upset if they changed around (maybe even have a unique looking stat-line); there's no fundimental 'Cron' statistics.
    It is not the combat I resent, brother. It is the thirst for glory that gets men cut into ribbons.

  2. #32
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    I wasn't as clear as I should have been. Yes, some individual units get changes in their stat line, but you do not see a sweeping change like every Troop choice is +1 TH, or even a reduction in WS or BS. Most changes are, as you described, done by changing the special rules.

    That being said, you make a great point that Necrons are not that established and lend themselves for more of a shake up than Space Marines or IG

  3. #33


    As a Necron player, one of my main complaints is that I don't want to be a Space Marine. I would love a few more changes to the stats.

    Other main complaints, are that without stubborn or fearless (preferably stubborn), or some other way to avoid sweeping advance (such as auto teleport on breaking) we don't survive combats the way we used to when the codex was written in 3rd edition. It may surprise you to know that Necrons were never meant to absolutely suck in combat, just for that to not be their focus.

    Also, I too do not like the whole "terminator rip off" aspect. I love the rules for We'll Be Back, particularly in how simple they are to understand and yet how difficult it makes tactical planning for both players, not knowing which models may get up to fight next turn, but I really don't like the name.
    For this reason I also live in fear of Slow and Purposeful. This is not a very Necron rule. Necron armies have so far always been surprisingly fast, not unlike Wood Elves in fantasy.

    Yes, Destroyers and Heavy Destroyers are Immortals on jetbikes. If you disagree because in one photo caption they are called "warriors", LOOK AT THEM! Clearly they should be T6.

    Even if they are made more survivable than a space marine, Necron Warriors are never going to do the same amount of damage as a tactical squad. They should cost less, not more.
    This would also enable the Necrons to be used as a horde army, which many of us have wanted to do. If the new codex should make this actually effective, that would be joyous.

    Please please please do not give us sergeants or special weapons upgrades. Every model in every unit should remain the same as those purchased with him. Not Space Marines, GOT IT!

    Bigger unit sizes, particularly for Wraiths, would be appreciated.

    Try and have more fun when writing the rules for Pariahs, Wraiths and Flayed Ones in particular. They have a lot of scope for rewriting and changing, particularly as few players have really used them enough for the past decade.

    Think about it, Flayed Ones are Necron's CRAZY PEOPLE, who think it's a good use of time to skin their enemies and wear them, and like to come up from below the ground and yell BOO! This would not "phase" (aha pun) many if any of their enemies in the 40k univers, so why not give them some psycho crazy type special rules rather than fear causing ones.

    Wraiths phase through at the edge of existence. Surely they should all count as having phase weapons in close combat, or be able to do a special phase combat move, not unlike Trolls in fantasy. Other than that and larger squad sizes, they don't need changing much.

    Pariahs are the future of the Necron army, the Necron Warrior 2.0. Think about that for a minute.
    Then think about this. Every one of them is a re-purposed Culexus Assassin.

    The necrons/c'tan are tuning the blanks for a different purpose than the imperials. The Culexus has had his aura tuned to make enemies want to ignore him, and goes around terrorising psykers, armed with anti-psyker weaponry. Are the pariahs designed to do the same? Not really. While I trully like the idea of making the pariah more like the culexus, I'd like to make a stark contrast. Where the culexus avoids attention, the pariahs should draw it. They should effectively bring back priority tests for the army; "Oh for the emperor KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT"

    Here's my idea for a Pariah special rule; Abomination;
    Opponents who wish to act in any way in the shooting phase and can see a unit of pariahs, must fire at the nearest unit of pariahs instead unless they pass a leadership test. If they have no weapons (for instance if they were trying to run) or their weapons that they were going to fire are out of range or would not affect pariahs (for instance psykers using abilities that aren't shooting attacks) they do nothing in that shooting phase, but count as having targeted the pariahs for the purposes of assault. If they pass their leadership test, they act as normal.

  4. #34


    Yeah, pretty much everything Wiggins said.
    When I first started playing 40k, I picked up Necrons because my friend who was telling me about all the armies said "They're basically metal warriors that kill stuff, then if they get killed, get back up and kill even more stuff." That is what sold me, they get back up (I blame the fact I played a Minion Master Necromancer on Guild Wars at the time, but this is irrelevant).
    Later on whilst sat at home, flicking through the Codex and reading up online about them, I found out about the general "they're in stasis, blah blah blah, there's a shed ton of them waiting to kill us all" side of their lore, this cemented my love of them.

    Game wise I think swapping out WBB for FNP is a sound idea (although a bit annoying as now most BA armies have it), but deep down inside I'll be mad as hell. Also, I would be over the moon if Necrons became more horde or the option to be more horde than they are at the moment, what with more Tomb Worlds and things being uncovered and what-not.

    All the LD test abilities we have seriously need changing as well, in fact, either all the one's in 40k need to be, or just lower/change how leadership works, pretty much everything is LD 9/10 basic or has some special character/person within range to make them not give a damn about giant metal skeletons wearing their mates skin or phasing in and out of time and space.

  5. #35


    Has anyone else been seeing these rumors? They're generally side by side with Tau rumors

    All Immortal based models being redone. Because Destroyers, Lords, etc. were supposedly based on the immortal "chassis" and that has been redone "bigger", its a cascade effect. However, skimmer body base not expect to change.

    Immortals possible move to Troops choice.

    New Elite options

    Pariahs no longer 0-1

    Additional C'Tan

    plastic Tomb Spyder box to make TS or variant.

    New fast attack MC

    Pylon may make codex as heavy option"

    Honestly, a lot of this sounds like crap. Immortals to troop choice makes no sense, if anything it'd be flayed ones. The additional C'Tan is iffy as well because that would be a huge addition to more than Necron fluff. The new MC is the Tomb Stalker. And the Pylon bit is utter BS. I'm not even sure there has ever been an Apocalypse piece that has moved from Apocalypse to regular 40K
    I am the "Who" when you call "Who's there?"

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by C'Thulhu View Post
    Honestly, a lot of this sounds like crap. Immortals to troop choice makes no sense, if anything it'd be flayed ones. The additional C'Tan is iffy as well because that would be a huge addition to more than Necron fluff. The new MC is the Tomb Stalker. And the Pylon bit is utter BS. I'm not even sure there has ever been an Apocalypse piece that has moved from Apocalypse to regular 40K
    Well, steady on there a bit. Some people probably thought that Nob Bikers (or Deff Dreds, for that matter) would be preposterous as troops, but a Warboss (or Mek) lets you bring one unit of them as such. The rumor may not be putting Immortals permanently in the Troops section, but under certain situations (Say, a Gold-Level lord lets you bring 1 unit of Immortals as Troops).

    Plus, the Trygon, Valkyrie, and Vendetta were all Apoc-Only units previously... so, there is that. I dunno about the Pylon being a Heavy choice myself, just because it seems odd for there to be a totally stationary choice, but I don't think it's totally impossible.

  7. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Old_Paladin View Post
    Actually, this isn't true. There are units that have had Stat changes.
    The new Dark Eldar Archon will go from WS/BS:6 to WS/BS:7 (and may have higher attacks and/or leadership).

    I think Minotaurs/Rat Ogres/Tyranid Warriors/Hive Tyrants all had slight stat changes (or at least special rules that effectively change their stats and/or play style).

    When you have very old established stat-lines (like human or space marine), they are unlikely to change. When it comes to things like Necrons, people aren't going to be upset if they changed around (maybe even have a unique looking stat-line); there's no fundimental 'Cron' statistics.
    Just also wanted to throw out there the Oygrn had a major satline change in the new guard book.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drew da Destroya View Post
    Plus, the Trygon, Valkyrie, and Vendetta were all Apoc-Only units previously... so, there is that. I dunno about the Pylon being a Heavy choice myself, just because it seems odd for there to be a totally stationary choice, but I don't think it's totally impossible.
    Exactly. Just look at the drop pod. Same principle.
    Master Bryss and I build conversions IN A SHED. WITH CLIPPERS N' GLUE!
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  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wiggins View Post
    Here's my idea for a Pariah special rule; Abomination;
    Opponents who wish to act in any way in the shooting phase and can see a unit of pariahs, must fire at the nearest unit of pariahs instead unless they pass a leadership test. If they have no weapons (for instance if they were trying to run) or their weapons that they were going to fire are out of range or would not affect pariahs (for instance psykers using abilities that aren't shooting attacks) they do nothing in that shooting phase, but count as having targeted the pariahs for the purposes of assault. If they pass their leadership test, they act as normal.
    I like the basic idea of that rule. The way you have it worded is a little OP (depending on cost of course), as you could be forcing, say, Long Fangs on the other side of the board to waste their shooting. But I think a 24" range wouldn't be over the top. All those Ld tests would get a little annoying if it covered the whole table.

    I would drop the second part of the rule, though. Making it completely impossible for any unit to ever assault anything but the Pariahs if they just have LOS to them is a little unreasonable, even if it is on a failed Ld test.

    Alternatively, you could drop the range even more but make it more powerful; "all units within 12" of the Pariahs must take a Ld test. If they fail, they fall back, and can only regroup when they are more than 12" away from any Pariahs. If they pass, they must attempt to shoot the Pariahs. Fearless models are immune to this rule."

    That would make Pariahs a great unit for distracting your opponent. You could hide them until just the right moment, then jump them out and force your opponent's uber-deathstar to go after them instead of a better target.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  10. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkLink View Post
    "all units within 12" of the Pariahs must take a Ld test. If they fail, they fall back, and can only regroup when they are more than 12" away from any Pariahs. If they pass, they must attempt to shoot the Pariahs. Fearless models are immune to this rule."

    That would make Pariahs a great unit for distracting your opponent. You could hide them until just the right moment, then jump them out and force your opponent's uber-deathstar to go after them instead of a better target.
    I second this opinion. Pariah's need to have some form of special rule to account for their place in the fluff as a newer generation of warrior.

    On a side note, it's gonna be sad to see WBB go away, but I can understand making Crons' more inline with the current rulebook using FNP. At least we'll have new plastics to go with the new codex...

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