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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Norfolk (God's County)


    Its just occurred to me that, in the same way about topics on scale creep etc, GW uses strange exaggerated scales as miniatures are almost 'caricature-esque'.

    What I'm saying is, when something is 28mm and not naked, and some of the men have long hair, the only way to tell the difference would be to ensure they have an earth-shatteringly huge pair of norks with a cleavage you could lose a baneblade cannon shell in.

    Not a problem for this callsign.
    Last edited by Denzark; 10-23-2009 at 08:55 AM.

  2. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by Cryl View Post
    wasn't it the Romans who "invented" tights / stockings as their legions felt the cold during the conquest and occupation of Britain?
    Trousers probably originated among horse-riding cultures in Asia. They spread to the natives in Northern Europe, and in turn were adopted by some Roman legionnaires to keep out the cold. But they were always looked down upon by Greeks and higher class Romans.

    wait... what was this topic about again?
    Games Workshop women. And, thinking about it, GW isn't really doing too badly.
    Humans - there were the Escher in Necromunda, two guardswomen in the Last Chancers, the Callidus, a few Inquisitors and the Sisters & their Saint. They could probably do with more - maybe a female Guard character, or Forgeworld making female guardswomen pieces. That'd be cool. Remember that resin is easy to make moulds for, there's none of the expensive overheads of plastic. Forgeworld could even make updated Sisters relatively easily?
    Eldar - there are female Guardian torsoes, Howling Banshees, Jain Zar, female DE torsoes, Wyches, Kruellagh, Lilith and a Dracon. Could do with a few more, especially Farseers or Warlocks, but all in all they're doing well.
    Tau - Commander Shadowsun. Many of the other models *could* be female, but they're a bit hard to tell.
    Orks - Asexual, although fairly decidedly masculine in flavour. Female orc cheerleaders were made for Bloodbowl. It really wasn't a good idea.
    Necrons - Utterly asexual. Well, except these ones: [url][/url]
    Tyranids - A race ruled by Norn Queens and Dominatrixes (Dominatrices?) But they don't really do gender or reproduction in the same way as us. Still, doing it as well as they could.
    Chaos - Well, there's Slaanesh. Who's at least half way to being female. Other than that, not so much.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    London, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by eldargal View Post
    Nothing stopping you buying and wearing a dress if thats how you roll. Post pics.
    Yeah, and there's nothing actually stopping you, or indeed, any woman going out and buying 40k if that's how you roll. That's rather my point.

  4. #34


    You appear not to have paid attention. No one is disputing that we can't buy and play 40k, we are just saying a bit more of a nod from GW would be nice, in the form of a few more female models to match the fluff. Your point is quite invalid.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sangre View Post
    Yeah, and there's nothing actually stopping you, or indeed, any woman going out and buying 40k if that's how you roll. That's rather my point.

  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by eldargal View Post
    You appear not to have paid attention. No one is disputing that we can't buy and play 40k, we are just saying a bit more of a nod from GW would be nice, in the form of a few more female models to match the fluff. Your point is quite invalid.
    i agree with you. Some more female models would be nice, and at least the sisters codex needs to be updated If not the models range (Plastic sisters would be nice). I've been waiting for GW to produce a female farseer since i started 40k *Sigh*. Still, there's always fantasy and LOTR models for conversions.

    Thats one thing i have noticed. Warhammer fantasy has loads of female models. (Female glade guard, female Dark elf warriors and wyches, female high elves, female spell casters, etc) Yet warhammer 40k is lacking. I feel this is an issue that needs fixing.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    London, UK


    My point is not invalid. 40k needs to change its model range to accommodate women just as much as dressmakers need to change their styling to accommodate men.

    Although I will agree tracking down the parts to convert Colonel Selar Barion for my IXth Astraean is proving to be quite an embuggerance. If only there was something like a female Mordian torso I'd snap it up like a shot. The rest should be easy from there.

  7. #37


    My opinions on this subject are a matter of record on this site. I want to see more female gamers and I want female miniatures, However, The letter posted on this thread will not achieve any of those things because it is a politically correct, feminist rant. There are many ways to change attitudes and behavior, whining is not one of them.
    To a New Yorker like you a hero is some kinda weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three Tigers!

  8. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Sangre View Post
    My point is not invalid. 40k needs to change its model range to accommodate women just as much as dressmakers need to change their styling to accommodate men.

    Although I will agree tracking down the parts to convert Colonel Selar Barion for my IXth Astraean is proving to be quite an embuggerance. If only there was something like a female Mordian torso I'd snap it up like a shot. The rest should be easy from there.
    I'm not asking that GW change it's entire range. I'm just saying they should add some more female models, both to show their appreciation for female gamers and also to add some new converting and modeling options. I'm not saying 40k should "Change it's entire range" simply add a few female models here and there.

    So yes, your argument is invalid. And Your argument about men and dresses is more disturbing than accurate.
    Last edited by Aeirling of Steirm Canoir; 10-23-2009 at 10:46 AM.

  9. #39


    Let's all bear in mind that the women posting in this thread already play. Nobody's saying, "Well, I would play, if only GW weren't such sexist *******s!" All anybody has said so far is that they'd like to see the women who already exist in the 40K fluff better represented in the miniature range.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Detroit, Michigan


    Yeah, I would like to see some more female models; my Guard army is a total sausage fest except for Corporal Vasquez, my Catachan grenade launcher chick. Killed a demon prince once, she did.

    But I'd like variety in terms of models as my regiment's planet is sort of like Cadia in that both men and women enlist and fight equally.

    Honestly, I'm thinking of just buyin' up some Fantasy models for some convertin'. Also I need Fantasy Ogres to make some Ogryns, but I'm offroading from my point here.

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