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Type: Posts; User: StingrayP226

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  1. Anyone have/can make comparison shots of a Wraithguard and Kurnoth Hunters/spite Rev

    Sorry for the long title... looking for a picture comparing Wraithguard, Kurnoth Hunter, and Spite/Tree Revenants. Thinking about a project mixing Wraithguard with "nature" elements and wanted to see...
  2. Replies

    Need some help IDing some parts

    Can anyone help ID these parts other than the Back of a Wave Serpent

    Looks like Armorcast conversion parts or just a bunch of randomness.
  3. Replies

    Some quick questions

    First what FW book has the Hornet in it? Recently got one and would like to know where the rules are.

    Also my brother and I are getting into the game and I picked Eldar and he is going to play...
  4. Awesome thank you everyone! Now to just get that...

    Awesome thank you everyone! Now to just get that far in my project que...
  5. @Chris*ta the plan was to green stuff/plastic...

    @Chris*ta the plan was to green stuff/plastic card over the cockpits in a manner that makes it look cockpitless.

    As long as they can... since I came up with a custom paint scheme for my Eldar I...
  6. Could Eldar go further with their spirit stones?

    Would it be possible for Eldar to create Wraith tanks and aircraft? IE Tanks and fighters normally manned by crew converted to be controlled by the spirits of fallen Eldar like Wraithlords and...
  7. This x100... I played Space Wolves back in 4th...

    This x100... I played Space Wolves back in 4th (or was it 5th) because I was really interested in Norse mythology and I like Wolves. Just starting back in the game and looked at the Space Wolves and...
  8. Poll: I would vote the reasons behind this are...

    I would vote the reasons behind this are proportions of many models, from the freakish Imperial Guard (who look like they all abuse steroids when they are suppose to be this force of disposable...
  9. Replies

    Discussing it with an opponent for balance is a...

    Discussing it with an opponent for balance is a TERRIBLE way to set up a game. Why? Because everyone has a different opinion on what is balance. Even non competitive players like to have a little...
  10. Replies

    Says has bits to allow Thousand Sons version......

    Says has bits to allow Thousand Sons version... granted I bet that means 5 troops for $50 due to all the extra pieces.

    This is a rumor I hope is real, but I will likely disappointed as the Eldar...
  11. Replies

    Nothing on the Halo games?

    Nothing on the Halo games?
  12. Replies

    Ok going to throw my 2 cents in here. Granted I'm...

    Ok going to throw my 2 cents in here. Granted I'm a newbie myself so everything below I would take with a grain of salt, and also consider from a more neutral party.

    Miniature quality for most of...
  13. Found This: Human Interface - Nakamura Tower

    Hello found this kickstarter with some nice looking metal miniatures that is Cyberpunk. I am not a member of the company, just thought someone might like the idea of this like I did.
  14. Replies

    So your saying as a potential new player who has...

    So your saying as a potential new player who has picked Eldar due to Lore/looks I should be punished and never allowed to play my army of choice, or worse the player who has invested $1000+ into...
  15. Replies

    18th April huh? 18th for more info or beginning...

    18th April huh? 18th for more info or beginning the releases?

    Might be Eldar by end of April so maybe get 2 waves? (End of April and beginning of May). My guess is Rangers will be one of the...
  16. Replies

    Well that is dissappointing... Was hoping there...

    Well that is dissappointing... Was hoping there was a difference and just seems lazy for both sexes to share the same head. Yes Male elves tend to me less macho but it doesn't mean they have to have...
  17. Replies

    Need some help with Elf heads

    So I bought some Wood Elves Eternal Guard heads for a project later... problem is I cannot seem to Identify which heads are suppose to me male and which are suppose to be female. Is there any easy...
  18. Replies

    I would like to see the Banshees get an ability...

    I would like to see the Banshees get an ability to simulate their scream (IE namesakes) that debuffs enemies/"buffs themselves" on the charge... and a worthwhile debuff that makes Banshees scary when...
  19. Its a risk... no one knows what is in store for...

    Its a risk... no one knows what is in store for 9th edition so GW might invalidate a bunch of models and force you to buy new ones to make them more $$. Honestly I hear the cries that if they do this...
  20. Replies

    Well to be honest they could be inventing...

    Well to be honest they could be inventing things... just nothing that really "impacts" the table top game. As a dying race I would think many of their inventors are working on things that helps...
  21. Replies

    Ok 40K has dominated the gaming industry for a...

    Ok 40K has dominated the gaming industry for a long time, but its starting a slow downward trend. Years ago the miniature gaming market was small... many competitors (what few there were) made...
  22. Replies

    Ok some of these replies are a little... sad to...

    Ok some of these replies are a little... sad to be honest. I play several miniature games and I am building an Eldar army (because of fluff... not because they are super powerful).

    First off...
  23. Replies

    I think its because competitive players are the...

    I think its because competitive players are the ones concerned with balance the most and they are the ones quick to expose how unbalanced the game can be. By either talking about it on forums/in...
  24. Replies

    Here is my opinion on the influx of Supplement...

    Here is my opinion on the influx of Supplement forces:

    They are the new shiny money makers for GW. First off they are already established in the Lore and thus requires less writing/story making...
  25. Replies

    I want one of these...

    I want one of these...
Results 1 to 25 of 55
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