Well, maybe the reason you never lost is because it's an illegal list? Your 8 man squad can't have a Missile Launcher...

Yeah THSS Termies are nice, but you don't have much in the way of maneuverability and without Lightning Claws you've got no way of minimizing the attacks you'll take before I1.

But that said, yeah it looks nasty, but I'd love to play this with my Orks. Deploy the whole army 31" away from the Vinides, turbo boost the Nob Bikers up towards them in my first turn, shoot them with the Lootas, and the take them all out on turn 2 with said Bikers or multiple glances form the Lootas. Wait for the Termies to come in and them swamp them with 120 Boyz. Bikers mop up the tactical squads. Done.